starting a new thread for this
doing an environment in cryengine 3 for my portfolio (yes, the last two projects turned out to be dead ends, but this time i got it figured I think), hoping to finish it as soon as possible (meaning preferably yesterday).
to do that, though, i need feedback, so don't hold back, fire away!
just a reminder: this screenshot is not my standard of finished, but i still wanted to share it with you guys so you can steer me in the right direction.
some feedback would be greatly warranted
also there's a lot of grime all over but not in any concentrated spots. maybe some dark pools around the ticket machines. as if they were leaking or something had been spilt over by them?
one last thing would be the pipes on the ceiling. the repeating texture on them is killing it
another update, added a lot of assets.
just to clarify here: yes i am using crysis 2 assets to fill in the scene, but still, the entire basis of this scene was made by me and me alone. the only reason i am using the crysis 2 assets to fill the scene up, is because i want to show that i can handle both asset creation and set dressing.
heres a quick paintover illustrating some suggestions
keep it up, its definitely coming together :thumbup:
thanks for the paintover mike, i tried to follow it also edited some of the layout now, and tried to move the whole thing closer to the concept.
Work with what you've got so far, decide where the most interesting point should be and start making changes around that. What would happen if you had a wall behind the pillars? Broken sections of wall, commercials? ads? etc etc
Either way, good work so far Looking forward to more!
personally i would focus on the damage because that seems to be the one aspect of your scene that seems to be out of place (in a good way). what caused this damage? is there any danger? smoke or steam?
you have a really good set up lighting wise to accent the damaged area with the screen on the opposite wall. keep playing with ideas, maybe throw up a few rough sketchy paintovers to illustrate some different ways you could take this
ALSO, just to note, the scene is feeling a bit empty without the foreground element (the canisters of some kind). i would pull the whole thing closer to the camera, and use the space in front of the focal point to put some repair tools, or replacement parts for the damage. just some thoughts