Hey guys,
Just a heads up for any XBLA gamers on the boards, BurgerTime: World Tour is out today! There's a few PCers that worked on this title, and I think it's pretty damn fun. It's only 800ms points ($10) as well so help an indie developer out!:)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9f9RCbT84s"]BurgerTime World Tour - BurgerTime HD Launch Trailer [1080p HD PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PC] - YouTube[/ame]
Congrats guys!
What complications did you have with rights?
I only ask cause I was thinking to myself couple years back 'no one is doing burger time' but never pursued It.
This is awesome I loved burger time & this rendition looks really fun I love the changes and the background activity, Wrestler ect. when I get some cash I'll grab It.
Thanks & congrats on a release.
I hope some of the die-hard fans look at the game with an open mind, as there's clearly some changes that could make the nostalgic fans pretty upset (jumping specifically).