Dear Polycount community,
I'm "Interactive Animation"- student from Munich, Germany (
Since i've been lurking polycount for about a year, Adam Bromell convinced me in his IGDA talk, to finaly contribute myself.
Sincerely yours,
Let's start right off..
Because we did not really learn how to "paint" in photoshop in university, but I am eager to learn it, I set my self some kind of a mini challange to handpaint the texture for a lowpoly model.
I guess, because Adam talked about his first mailbox modell, i ended up with a mailbox myself.
By accident i collapsed the ps-layers, so I can't really change much about the texture T__T.
But i hope you guys can still give me some tipps, i can use for my next modells/textures.
I really like your colour choice though, nice stuff!
What Pogo said,
really nice style you have going on there, too.
It was never meant to be a gameasset or something, but more of a study wherefor i felt more comfortable with more space.
But you are totaly right, when it comes to actually use this in a game.