Hey polypeople, got some projects in production, I'm trying to get better with planning and designing in order to approach building scenes with minimal problems.
Working on a scene based off a concept from Guild Wars concept artist Jaime Jones.
It's still extremely early in creating. Some things aren't even in yet, the rocks are pretty much final, however. There are placeholders on the wood and houses atm and the lighting is more cool than warm, I'm aware. Shadows are pretty much non-existent for some reason. I'm using a UDk landscape and I don't know how to get proper shadows for it.
Here ya go. Some pictures.

Concept by Jaime Jones.

Any crits are more than welcome. Opinions, taste, feedback in general, what have you. I'd like to hear from you guys and what you think I'm doing horribly wrong or right.
@Goat Justice: I read your comments and they helped with what was keeping me from moving forward. I've changed up the scene some. Trying to get the distance is a bit difficult, I'm pretty sure I should push it more.
@dpaynter26: I'm unsure at the moment of how the buildings in the rocks will be. Some tests are happening right now, but I slowly stopped on that to make sure proportions and scale are matching. The buildings were always on stilts, but yes, it was the crappy camera shot that made them read badly.
Thanks for the crits guys. Slowly but surely, I'm trying to get this thing finished as much as I can.
An update.
So far I'd say that you need to tweak the atmospheric perspective to match the concept more. You should probably push the village back on the right side a little further into the background.
Silhouette is going to be you best friend, especially with those buildings hanging off the cliffs. Really try to match the concept as closely as you can because it's really appealing and you can't lose if you can get pretty close to it's look.
Don't forget to blockin the skybridges, they're a nice element.
ParoXum, I agree. Especially at this view, the rock and the rest of the scene aren't matching up. The wood and the reeds that make up the houses are at the same level of detail as the stone, as well as the realism, yet, they are harder to see...
The focus on this one was to go more real than any sort of stylizing. Surprisingly, I've never done real-real, which turning out to be less aesthetic than I was hoping. I might edit the rocks, but I'd rather try to do what I intended.
Seriously though, looks awesome. Nice choice of concept, and I can't wait to see where this goes. I'll be watching this thread.
Alright, so here's some more progress, I forgot what I did, but I did stuff. oh yeah, started blocking out those skybridge things (good point Mr_Paris).
Thinking about pushing the ocean down a bit more. It's set to move up and down a bit through an OWP in the shader, sometimes I forget about it when I take a screenie. Found out the problem to where there was red appearing too, shader nonsense.
I feel there is a lot more to be done, unfortunately. I've never taken on anything this grandiose and most of it just requires time, rather than skill.
I know it's not in the original concept, but maybe some overhanging grass/vegetation could add something to it? Would be quite cool to have a bird's nest up on those cliffs too, just for fun!
@ ladyknowles: Thanks. Those are some good ideas, I want to add a lot more to it and if time allows I will.
Actually, I wanted to add some rain to get some more energy into it. The ocean moves, but that's about it. If I have the time, I'll also have the skybridges sway a bit. Once I remember how, I'll have the ropes swing too.
Alright, here's an update. Replaced the midground pillars with unique meshes, looks better imo, could be a bit more angular though. Also yellow'ed and green'ed it up mo. Slowly starting to integrate the lighting, lemme know what you guys think, from here, any crit is helpful crit (especially about the skybridge).
And concept so it's a bit easier.
Might need some play with camera FoV.
It' all about the silhouette, the shapes of the negative space made and the flow of hidden lines. Remember that on the concept every position/angle of bridges, roof lines and ropes are drawn with a purpose.
You can clearly see the the flow of shapes that draw the viewer from the foreground rock pillar to the mid and then to the distance ones in the background.
You don't have to mimic it exactly but you should compose it to the same effect to allow it to 'pop' with depth and space.
The rock texture on the right feels scaled up a bit. You might want to get something bit more 'zoomed out' and broad.
Also you need those hot orangey yellows in the scene from the concept. Your piece is getting washed out because that's lacking.
Nice idea and coming along. Just keep refining it.
@ Alberto Rdgz: You've got a good point. It's so obvious they should be bigger too, how did that slip by my eyes?
@ Ex-Ray: I was aware of silhouettes, but this talk of lines with purpose is eye opening. I know concepts are draw with a purpose of mood and idea, but the underlying mechanics that are going on are fascinating. I've been reading and watching tuts on concepts just to see those things happening, and now I see them a lot. Thanks for the words on that, really helpful.
@ SasoChicken: I agree. I plan on some sort of rain and haze to go on. Soon, very soon. I also like that you say the concept has a "rough" feeling to it, I couldn't find the right word, but you got it perfect.
@ jeffro: It's true, they should be scaled. Good catch on the scaling of the rocks, I'll most definitely change it right away, that's been ugly to my eyes for awhile now.
As for the hot orange/yellows, I'm confident they'll pop out more with proper lighting, but yes, atm, they are lacking. Also going to add them on the mountain side on the right, like in the concept.
Anyways, enjoy the holidays, enjoy the company. I'll have something to show soon. Thanks for taking the time out to put some feedback to this piece. I really want that same impact the concept gives.
Toodles for now.
I'll be adjusting the houses now, as well as the skybridge and I'll post that update too. But for now, I've added the midground pillars detail and of course, tweaked like crazy a bunch of small things. Rock scale is changed, I'll have those rock dwellings in there too.
Thanks for the crits everyone.
As a side note, I'll be tweaking the rock texture a bit sometime in the near future, but I don't find it as important as an issue as what I've stated already.
Hope that helps