So I have this spike in my zbrush mesh that I can't seem to get rid of... I've had similar problems before with other models and I've always managed to fix it with smart-resym.
Unfortunately when I try to smart resym this mesh zbrush simply hangs indefinitely. And I do mean hangs, I thought maybe it was just not responding because it was analyzing the mesh so I left Zbrush open for almost an hour with no noticable PC activity and it never started responding....
I've tried manually smoothing it out to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas?
Well the problem seems to be this little guy, all alone up there. I'm not sure if it was just an orphan vert that got caught up in dynamesh, or if something else caused it to spike way up there. You might want to try the Check Mesh/Fix Mesh buttons (you might have better luck them since you have the full mesh).
It might be a good time to retopologize it (especially if that was the lowest resolution). Otherwise, you could go into the Transform palette and enable Dots Display and Point Selection mode to better see the bugger. You can then ctrl_shift+alt hide that one particular point (which hides the entire spike it creates), and use Geometry: Delete Hidden to get rid of it. This will create a small hole in the mesh though (you could try Geometry: Close Holes. I'm not sure how long it would take to process at a higher density since the piece I had was in the millions, but if that's the only hole it might just close right up).
Check/fix mesh was a no go, integrity check came out fine. Close holes actually worked really quickly but the geometry it made was nightmarish, doing it at the highest subdiv level kept me from rebuilding lower because it had triangles. Doing it at the lowest subdiv level washed out all my mesh details when it reconstructed the higher subdivs.
I managed to sort of fix it by just masking off that vert and dragging that fucker back to where he needed to be with the move tool. Not really a perfect solution but it keeps most of the detail and my subdivisions so I'm okay with it. Going to try to resym it now that the vert is (relatively) back in place and hopefully it won't hang.
Anyway thank you for taking the time to look at it, I didn't even know dots display existed so I wasn't sure where the vert was or if it was even just one vert. Was afraid I was just going to have to finish the model with a spike in it and just clean it out of the bake
Hope that can help someone one day.