I've been working on this guy for a couple months now in my freetime. Going to see him through the cinematic production pipeline just for funsies. No low res, no baking. Just displacement maps and bump.
Textured up the helmet just to help determine what the rest of the model is going to look like and lay down a strong pipeline. I think I've figured out some of the mental ray stuff, i hope anyways.
Finishing up his legs and then onto texturing the bod! Hope you guys like. It's not what i usually do but definitely something i want to get into.
Concept(not mine):
As for the rest of the body -- the armor seems a bit rigid. It seems that this armor should be very flexable, and agile. -- maybe not.
In any case, armor shouldn't restrict movement. Looking at the front and back of the torso, there seems to be far too many large peices.
Think armor layers, overlapping --
Here's some roman segmented plate armor
Something like that for the back panels along the lower spine would be awesome, the front as well maybe.
Perhaps something like a two peice breast plate?
I think splitting the large armor peices up will help sell it as a working peice of armor.
I would also split the pauldrons off of the armor, they can sit flush against the arm, that's great, but detached and hinged at the middle of the shoulder will show that the wearer could easily lift their arms higher than they are now.
-- Currently it seems a bit cramped.
Same goes for the arm armor being in too many large chunks. Splitting it up will allow for a reasonable amount of motion. Remember also that the fore-arm can twist.
The roman Manica is much like the body armor, but it's built in a wide snaking "S" shape so that it protects regardless of the twisting of the forearm.
Even a medieval style cupped elbow style arm armor would look cool.
As few as 3, and as many as you want. Here are some examples:
You have some articulation in the arms, but with more articulation, you can cover a lot more of the body and still sell the idea of it being very agile and light weight.
Keep it going though, this thing looks cool!