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(WIP) Megaman Zero (CCM251)

Hey everyone, I'm working on a Megaman Zero Model for Character Modeling Class.

I blocked it in with nurbs.

Now I've started poly modeling his face using the edge extrusion method. I need critiques on polyflow and edge loops.


  • 16bit
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    16bit polycounter lvl 13
    His nose looks rather non existent and his mouth looks like its flat sticking out instead of following the flow of the face.

    Topology looks alright to me, but anime faces are known to be very hard to get right.
  • ranger_park
  • Pheonix_222
    zeroheadwip.jpg updated WIP images, please tell me if anything needs work Thank you to everyone who's responded so far.
  • wolver
    im not so sure about the dimples around the mouth, do you have a piece of concept art you are working from?
    if this isnt a game asset you should use smooth which is the number '3' on the keyboard in maya.
  • Pheonix_222
    This is the art I'm working with zeroconceptqv6.jpg
  • 9skulls
    Offline / Send Message
    9skulls polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah, what paintforge said. Your character's mouth looks plain weird, don't follow the anime style too orderly here. Look for some manga to 3d reference, like this robot Noodle from Gorillaz which I think succeeds in transforming a 2d character perfectly to 3d:

    (I know, Jamie Hewlett's style is not manga but some of his character's look like it at times)
  • Der Hollander
    Are you setting up any image planes in Maya? The eye/mouth proportions look alright, but it's difficult to compare your renders with the reference. I did a paintover for you to illustrate how the nose should look (You want to maintain the profile, but the nose lacks sideways dimenstion, some suggestion of nostrils, etc.) And I found discrepancies with your model vs. the concept.zeroheadwip2.jpg

    You should tighten up your forms, they look way too soft, but you really need to keep looking at the reference. I had the misfortune to have an anime character assigned to me to replicate in 3D, so I hope this helps the 2D to 3D transition. You won't be able to make the face verbatim, it just doesn't translate well into 3D, but you can make a compromise that looks good.

    Below is a detailed list of suggestions:

    1) Make the bottom of the nose a more flattened plane. Keep the side profile, but get a little width in there to give the face more substance.

    2) For the lips, you need to add the lower lip, and a subtle, tight upper lip. Though the concept doesn't show them explicitly, there are slight implications of the structure of the mouth that will make your model look a lot more believable.

    3) Overall, your shapes are way too soft. The face is salvagable, but your helmet needs a serious rework. You're completely missing the back of his head crest, making them a flat plane rather than a triangular shape like in the concept. Import the concept you have as an image plane into your viewport, and rebuild the helmet using simpler and cleaner geometry.
  • Pheonix_222
    this is immensely helpful. I have Image planes set up in maya, but I suppose I just had trouble visualizing the shapes in 3D. I will re-work some things and post results when finished, Thank you so much.
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