It's been a long time coming but it's here finally... Instead of just the odd appearance in WAYWO, emerging from the depths of obscurity now and then to ask for feedback. I also have some work on the NDA shelf I'm eager to post in future but you know how it goes till then.
First of all let me dump all the junk from the recent girl I made, she would have turned out far worse without all the fantastic feedback & crits I received on it, So thanks guys!
I named her Bianca, she's alittle higher than I usually like to work; weighing in at 16,627 Triangles.
The texture feels like abit of a spag now, 2048-D/N/S And then 3 flat 512's for the fur shells.
A few people requested the workflow for the fur so here it is:
Ideally I would have liked to do it properly in 'shadow of the colossus' Stylee and bake strands onto layers. But after hours with the hair&fur modifier I was no closer to what I wanted. And handpainting the fur and alphas would have been just as time consuming. So I fashioned a new faster and simpler way using gradient maps.
I hope you can take something away from it
Putting speed sculpts aside for now I've come back to this anatomy guy whom I've been toying with odd concepts for but I've decided to go with in the same direction as the girl for some consistency.
The bane of my characters has always been the crease work, fun as sculpting is it's still difficult heh. I'm a fiend for crits so anything that bugs you about him just hit me with it, no gloss just boss.
He will have shoes btw :P
Plus I always loved that technique for making fur, I remember it has been used in Shadow Of The Colossus and it was incredibly effective.
I kinda feel like there isn't a specific way to go about it as there is with say anatomy, creases being situational. Altho I understand that view is most likely just down to my current skill level ;
Jenn0_Bing, yeah a fair few people seem to be saying that now. I will have ago at cheering her up altho it's hard not to make her look even more scary lol.
Cheers G2000 you totally should! I'd definitely like to see more, your Flash-girl turned out great, especially the beauty shot
Mr_Drayton, The way Sotc's fur flows and is shaped is always a wonder to look at Absolute bunch of Crazies to be able to create that standard.
As I mentioned briefly, MM was even more awesomer to give me another great crit. Mainly focusing on how the folds need to work for multiple positions and not just a static pose. Reference often misleading for game art unless in a dynamic pose.
So I've worked into it more with this in mind. Altho with more difficulty, working off multiple references instead of a singular constant can sometimes make it feel like a mishmash to me. Remembering that joints will need to act like a bendy straw, topology wise.
Bosched some hair on there aswell. He looks like an older version of myself now lol.
I've still yet to go into the small details like fine creases for the jeans stemming from the seams etc.