So as the thread title says, every time I build my lights inside of UDK, I get seams on every hard edge of my normal map. I've tried every fix I could think of, but I'm hoping I'm just missing something simple. What confuses me is that it appears to be a perfect normal map, in every app, until I build lighting in UDK. Anyone know a fix for this?
Left is before building, right is after.
And I've ruled out it being a lightmap issue, as you can see below.
This is after I went back and added even more padding between islands. Each island is a separate smoothing group.
I'm currently trying to get max to export qualified normals correctly to see if that helps.
It's almost impossible to get decent smoothing across something that's been split like that.
I've never seen an actual game engine that treats seams differently. I'm guessing it runs faster like that and it's really not a big deal once you get used to it.