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[portfolio] Lars Waara 3D-generalist

polycounter lvl 17
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The_hobbyist polycounter lvl 17
My name is Lars Waara and I am 38 and graduated year 2000.
I have been stalking this forum since 1999(ish) (when it was black and green and ugly and before the years with "Render in progress")

I would very much appreciate your honest opinion on my portfolio

What needs to go?
What sucks but can maybe be saved?
Is anything missing that should be there?
What should I focus on?

Or just write what you feel is needed.



Lars W


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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    I like the look of the site, it is very clean and functional.

    With that said I have a couple thoughts.

    1) First and foremost your contact info should be on every single picture. So if someone just saves a jpg off your site, they know who made it.
    2) Put your strongest work first, it seems kind of pointless to have a un-textured generic guy sculpt at the top of your portfolio, and your more interesting work at the bottom.
  • The_hobbyist
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    The_hobbyist polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for your input.
    I put the Burton babe on top instead.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Honestly your organic work isn't very good, your hard surface pieces are much stronger though. I'd say focus on the Arch Vis work and scrap the characters.

    That said the cars front grill looks bent (maybe it's supposed to?), and the reflection pic your using is showing up on the interior of its windows. It also looks like it's floating, try lowering it further and maybe squishing the bottoms of the tires a little bit to help represent the pressure they're under.

    Also the truck seems to have a brown crack hastily painted into the side where it got into a fender bender. I'd get rid of that.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    What's the purpose of your portfolio? Where do you want to go with it? If you purpose is for job searching, what kinda position are you looking for?

    I would say that the characters are pretty cool, there is some self shadowing missing on the frog/lizard guy, but personally i like the style. That being said, i don't think that it's enough for a character artist job.

    Do you have any new projects planed? If so, what's you approach on the future?
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    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    I love the Tim Burton girl. Very nice.
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