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LazyNezumi and photoshop CS5

polycounter lvl 12
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ricolas71 polycounter lvl 12
Hello :)

I recently tried to find a lazy mouse photoshop plugin who would work about the same as the Zbrush tool. I eventually found LazyNezumi which is quite popular apparently


But unfortunately i can’t make it work. I’m on win7 64and CS5 64 with an intuos 4.

I've changed the photoshop path in the apps file and It does recognise photoshop but for some reason the app work in every windows (menu bars, background, layers) BUT the main windows (canvas)
Does the settings have to be changed into the App file? i’ve tried with the attch to window option, all my psd menus are flickering with red frame but in the end there’s no change. The lazy mouse works everywhere but in the canvas.

Does anyone have ever met the same problem or knows how to solve it?



  • csprance
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    csprance polycounter lvl 13
    hey, kind of an older thread but it was the first one on google search that popped up when I was searching for a solution.

    You have to turn off the opengl viewport first to capture the canvas.
    Ctrl+k go to the performance tab
    and uncheck use graphics card (or something named like that)
    start a new document
    then capture your window using the attach to window option and you can turn back on opengl

    Hope that works!
  • Deadly Nightshade
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    Deadly Nightshade polycounter lvl 10
    Tried that and it doesn't work.
    I've turned off the GPU-crap in Photoshop (CS6) and then I've started up Lazy, clicked "attach to window" and hoovered, and clicked, the photoshop window.

    I get red squares around elements in the window (as if the program is searching for a spot) but it never attaches to anything - not even MS paint.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    does anyone have an alternative ?
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