Does UDK's Landscape editor have an option to toggle wireframe on and off so that I can see the wireframe but also still see my terrain textures underneath? This would be really helpful to me because I like to do vert by vert sculpting. I know I can use wireframe mode instead of lit mode, but that shows just the wires and no textures. That would be my last resort.
An old hack method was to render out your beauty pass of the terrain, then create a wireframe one (you fill your entire land of the vertex color either black or white) so the wireframes show up as said respective material.
Overlay that in Photoshop or After Effects and presto, done.
Not the best method, but still works.
I could be wrong, but I think you can enable Wireframes in the Material editor, although I think they still show up without textures.
Although thanks for that explanation about the beauty shot render, I will probably need that later xD
Its an option in the material ..