Hi there,
I´m not exactly the most active user here, but I wanted to drop by and let you know that "The Book of Unwritten Tales" will finally be getting an english release on friday.
It´s more or less an old school adventure game, parodying the world of Fantasy and RPG, and was received very well by press and players alike when it was first released in Germany in 2009.
Unfortunately the publisher went bankrupt some months later, while we were working on a smaller sequel, and that and the english release of BoUT was postponed again and again.
Finally, after another publisher going belly up, King Art, the company behind BoUT that I have been contracting for, was able to buy back the distribution rights and to finance the localisation themselves.
(And I´m happy to say it came out pretty well, as far as I can tell and judging from reactions of english native speakers.)
First reviews and previews for the english version look promising, too.
So if you are into humorous adventure games, you might want to point and click on the link below and check it out or even download the demo. (Unfortunately pretty big, but also some hours worth of gameplay.)
The smaller text is a bit hard to read right now, but hopefully that will be changed.
I worked as 3D background lead on this game and was mostly responsible for finishing touches, texturing, lighting and painting. I did the first few screens completely, though, to set the style and until it became apparent that we either had to cut back on the ever increasing details and dimensions of the scenes or stock up the team.
I might or might not throw together something more extensive for P&P towards the end of the year. I wanted to do that many times already, but there are also some reworks that I´d like to do beforehand and never even started so far. But with the sequel released in Germany recently, I guess it´s about time.
Anyway, I´m really happy to see this game finally being released internationally and if you think you might like it, check it out!

Also, if you want to do as a favor, pass the link on to those who might be interested.
Credits for the small Collage above:
Concepts: Fréderic Bertrand
Modeling: Christoph Kucher, Claudius Vesting, Marcus Braun
Texturing/Lighting/Painting: Christoph Kucher
Characters Modeling/Texturing: Stefan Obst (who I have seen posting here on these boards, too, some time ago.)
Here is a link to a preview with some more screenshots: