I'm tired of my ATI card not supporting anything and it's time to get a new card.
Basically, the card I want needs to do everything.
I need a card that will support Maya, Zbrush, UDK, etc, and handle current game titles on high, all of these... without problems.
Still, any NVidia GTX 4xx or 5xx will run everything and anything you need.
Hold off a little longer on a 560ti! There is supposed to be a new 560 version soon, ( GF110 like 570/580 instead of GF114 )
This way you get that 570 ish performance so Nvidia can get rid of their 110 die's before Kepler makes them obsolete. And since Nvidia doesn't have any other new Mojo fer X-mas besides Lightboost and 3dvision2
Jes wait for q1 2012 fer Kepler...
The cheaper Cards are being released first this time:
( Kepler replacement fer 560 anyway is next quarter! )
...I'd say I'm probably better off asking on an art forum :P
Seeing as this community is likely to know which cards are more supportive of both higher-end games, as well as 3D modeling software. Unfortunately, not all cards work well with the latter.
But thanks everyone! I will look into it
been running the gtx 560 for the past several months and its done very well in 3d max and after effects and photo shop.
and the cost was just 190, altough you can find the 570 for like 60-80 bucks
and get about 5-10 percent better clock speed
also the IRAY system in 3d max work pretty well with the 560.
This is a good middle of the road card works well with modeling texture wise all the in view port features have actually work for me as advertise so I am very happy.
(with salesman thinking) Wait for Kepler, means prices for Fermi will likely drop, too.
(with consumer thinking) Wait for Xmas, probably lowered prices to push as much out as possible
(with hats off) I got a 560 Ti and am quite happy, was the sanest choice power/budget wise for me (I like it when stuff doesn't suck too much power).