Hi there !
I'm working with 3Ds Max 2012 and been making some models to use for Source Engine. I always had troubles with uv seams and after i found out about the viewport canvas tool, it was like freakin christmas to me
But now everytime after i got rid of the seams with using the Clone Tool in 3d viewport and after saving it to image file exporting the model to source etc.
I get actually no result at all. When i look at the texture i worked on in 3D viewport i see noticable changes, but i don't see any change when i look at the model in HL model viewer.
I tried a lot of times and i really think i'm doing something wrong with the viewport canvas tool. Just cant find out what i'm doing wrong exactly.
I would really be glad if someone could help me with this or give me a hint.
This is a picture of what's going wrong, and a my texture as jpg.
Don't mind the overbright, something's set up wron with the viewport gamma of max.
2) While you're painting it won't overwrite the original file, it won't save the changes until you exit paint mode. If you're not exiting paint mode (right click) the changes won't be applied to the original material.
3) Depending on how you set up the material in viewport canvas it might be writing to a different file in a different spot. You should make sure the link in "Paint On" in viewport canvas is set to the right path.
4) You should use the eye dropper in the material editor to sample the material that is on the object and make sure it links to the right file and matches what is set in viewport canvas. You might need to rebuild the material and assign it again.
1) of course i don't use jpg for texture editing, the site just wouldn't let me upload the tga
2) i clicked save to bitmap in the layers dialog, when i was done then i exit the paint mode with right click. i checked on the texture i saved to afterwards and there were noticable changes
3) & 4) i'm going to check this out after i'm done eating and report if anything has changed for the better
@Linda : wtf ?
So i followed your advise and did everything as you said though i'm pretty sure those points were already ok when i tried first.
Result is the same and its driving me mad ...
I double checked paths and textures and believe me its far from being the first model that i exported to source and i've already made about 100 textures for source too.
I'm really out of ideas why this won't work even though the texture changed. I'd offer to give you the all the source files i have and let you have a look at it if you'd want to.
It's becoming really frustrating ^^
I checked on the uv layout in max and in the exported version, they're the same. I checked the model ingame , same problem as in mdl viewer. I take the uv mapped model in max and add the 3d painted texture to it ---> everythings fine, no visible uv seams etc.
Please Help me