hi everyone!
some of you may have already heard of this, other may not, but just to let everyone know: next friday, being november 4th, next-gen hard surface, game-artist and polycount are hosting a big gaming event, being an evening of playing friendly battlefield 3 games with people from the industry.
the goal of the evening is simply to have a nice evening, and to do that with people who are in the industry or at least interested in it. this will in part insure that the game remains friendly, sportive and that the skill level remain relatively equalized.
all you have to do to register for the event is post a comment stating that you want to register, here:!
or PM me (mavcart) here on polycount, or on NGHS.
the reason for this measure is to keep a good oversight on who is participating and who isn't

game on and let your friends know!
see you friday

NHGS administrator
ps: thanks to adam and the polycount crew for agreeing to support the event!
the guys from over at EA just confirmed it: they will set up a special dedicated (amsterdam or UK based) server for the occasion, that will stay open from friday evening to sunday evening, meaning the ENTIRE WEEKEND!
that means the event just turned into an entire weekend of industry-related people merging with their computer and playing battlefield 3! also, the server is 64-player, so that means we'll be able to host 64 players playing at any one time, which, again, is awesome.
a big thank you to the guys at the EA server department for doing this, and a big thanks to jeroen maton (aka doylle) for talking them into it!
cba then. not going to buy the game for one event =[
too bad my rig won't run BF3 properly.
re-read the first post for all info, or go to NGHS for all the info on the setting up of the event
as of now, we have 20 particpants, which means we have another 44 spots
we're gonna post the server info as we get it, so keep your eyes locked on NGHS, this thread or the corresponding thread on (it's in their header)
also, i'll be sure to let everyone that has a spot know that they have it, but please don't start flaming me for skipping someone by accident, just send me another PM or something
also, we're looking for moderators to manage a couple of matches during the weekend, so if you're interested, let me know by PM'ing me!
just posted a public poll for the map rotation for the weekend, votes are set to public so non-NGHS members should be able to vote
maps with less than five votes will be excluded, and you can vote for more than one map. keep it simple though, don't just vote for every single map.
the weekend just got a tournament, with prizes from the awesome guys over at eat3D! the top 3 players of the weekend (there will be 6 matches) will receive a free download of choice from eat3D.
ONLY and I mean ONLY people that reserve a sport on the server BEFORE FRIDAY will be considedere for the prizes!
there's still plenty of spots open, so be sure to reserve yours
join us right now for a practice match people!
join us on the server, it's open!
Me too, game got disconected ()
Was playing fine before!
Was a blast while it lasted, some nice matches even though my team got our butts served
Yeah it was great, I wasn't in there long but maybe try 32 next time as those 64 player maps feel a bit empty on 30 players
check out the preliminary standings!
if you're wondering why you're not on there while you're sure you should have been: tournament matches only count for people who have reserved a spot on the server during the two weeks preceding the weekend.
Yeah, you're a pretty good sniper.
I lol'd at the last round we played all by our self. You got crushed!