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Tweaking google image search

When searching for reference I usually do a google image search, browse the thumbnail results and each image i'm interested in I click and launch in a separate window to check after. However a while ago google image search implemented this default option whereby the image appears in a frame and requires an additional click to save it. Is there any way to disable this annoying 'feature'? If that's not possible is there a better way to search for general ref with a more streamlined way to save your results?


  • scourgewarper
    doh! - Firefox

    I'm pretty sure when you used to click an image it loaded it on it's own page without the frame? I used to use IE so maybe it was browser specific but when this new feature came out I remember people not liking it and complaining that there was no option to revert google image search to it's classic mode. At the time I gave up and put up with it but now it's quite frustrating.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ha! SW is actually totally right - the clicking "flow" of Google image has definitely been altered recently - I think that was about 2 years ago or so. It used to be a page of thumbnails, linking you to the images (or the page, not sure exactly). Now they added that inbetween step showing the image in a weird floating window - it's pointless and actually quite slow for the browser to render. I'm okay with it now but I still don't really get the point of it. I'd better have them do a better job at preloadng the images, for instance...

    As for workarounds, I sometimes use the Google Image Ripper website. There is also an extension to do it even better, but I think it caused some issues for me when I tried it back then.


    Good luck in your search! (Ha-ha!)
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    dont know if FF has equivalent extension but o got a extension for opera that links the thumbnails in Google directly to the source images.

    pretty sure FF could do this to, since it is just a simple bit of javascript doing that, do you could either find a extension to do it, or get greasemonkey and find a userscript to do it.


    ya found the script, just install greasemonkey on FF and install this script

    and for chrome

    and for opera

  • Ben Apuna
    Bing is sort of like how google used to work, it loads a preview, then the full page below that.
  • scourgewarper
    I was seriously doubting my memory there! Yer the way it worked was an image search loaded a page with all the thumbnail results like it does now but when you clicked one it took you to the page with it on and then another click of the image put it on it's own page so to speak so yer I think technically you still had to do the same number of clicks but you weren't forced to view the frame thing with the x in the corner which for some reason doesn't work for me at all and seems to impede my workflow. Personal preference I guess.

    Anyway I have greasemonkey installed and will give Bing and google image ripper a try thx :)
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    Hey! Try the coolpreviews addon for firefox and see how it fairs. I used it in the past. I thought it was good. I personally had it with google images and the trojans that are hidden behind those images. And NO I wasn't searching naked pictures and such. :) Even if you look for household things like pictures of blenders and other stuff, once u click to see it you can get infected with all sorts of malicious scripts and spyaware.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Yeah. I do a LOT of google image searching everyday. The new feature of the floating image over the webpage started about the same time as google chrome if I remember rightly. I think it used to be that you'd click the image and it would take you to the image without loading up the whole webpage, with options to see the website at the side or something. Anyhoo. The new way does annoy me a bit especially when its loading up a "heavy" web page. Also I think I get more virus alerts because its loading everything up.

    I'd be interested to find a way to open the image without loading the site. Will give that Image Direct for Google Search™ for chrome a go.

    EDIT: Yep, that Direct Image search for chrome works a charm :D
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