Hi guys ! Does anybody know what kind of art-test can be given to junior animator? Is there any basics that he should be able to do ?
Would be grateful if someone will tell us about his experience of geting a job as a 3d animator. Thanks in advance
So I'm still an aspiring animator so I haven't had any animation tests yet. Though a friend of mine applied to a AAA-studio and got to do a fighting combo with their main character (proxy) and just go wild. He got a character rig and a punching bag rig (so he wasn't just hitting air). So I guess they wanted to see creativity. Keep rocking the animation stuff!
I've handed out a lot of animations tests. For a junior animator, you could send them one of your prototype models (on your preferred animation rig) and ask them to do a walk cycle and an idle animation. Also, send them a style guide.
A fighting combo I would send to a more experienced animator.
The most complicated animation test I've handed out was two have two characters do a Mortal Kombat type of fatality. The test was so difficult because the position was to animate fatality type moves.
A fighting combo I would send to a more experienced animator.
The most complicated animation test I've handed out was two have two characters do a Mortal Kombat type of fatality. The test was so difficult because the position was to animate fatality type moves.