The purpose of this thread is to show the progression of our senior project.
My name is Kevin Duong and I am collaborating with Kyle Smotherman on this environment. We are both Seniors at the Laguna College of Art and Design and are both trying to pursue careers as 3D Prop / Environment Artists.
We will be constantly updating this thread throughout the next year.

This concept was created by Vladimir Kufeld
We are only using the image for the basic layout and function of the room. All the props are created from our own ideas and will reflect a much more scientific, research style rather than industrial steam punk.
Updating on lighting and mood. Got the floor in there, and currently finishing my texture on the Wheel Mount.
Alex3D - yeah we're considering some sort of raised section with computer panels and holographic monitors. Probably going to be scaling this room down as well.
Just added a floor piece, I'm still fiddling with textures and materials.
I second this!
We took your advice and have spent the lasts few weeks blocking out our space.
The purpose of our facility is to harvest the sap of an alien tree. The backstory is that this sap could be used as a replacement for fossil fuels, and humans attempted to domesticate these trees.
However, due to this harvest, we have killed off these very trees, and the few that remain are in critical condition. This resulted in us hooking them up to some sort of life support system.
NOTE: The tree that you see is the default UDK tree, which is only serving as a placeholder, until I can make one myself next semester. There will also be a section of soil and foliage surrounding the tree, so it does not look out of place just sitting on metal. We are still just blocking in the entire room atm, and there will be a lot added to help establish our story and setting.
We'll try to post more consistantly, now that we have established exactly what we want to do.
More to come!
Where the arms are will be some sort of assembly line, where canisters of the harvested sap will be welded together and transported through the open window via the claw. This section might be sealed off by a panel of class, so the player will not be able to access it, but will be able to view these machines operate.
Orgoth02 - Been getting that a lot. We are still playing with the atmosphere, but yes, I will definitely scale the heightfog opacity down. Should make the scene a lot crispy - it is inside after all, the fog is kinda out of place.
I agree there may be too much fog right now, but imo I wouldn't eliminate it completely. A thin layer of fog over the floor, kindof like a mist, might look nice, as if it were emanating from the tree or something.
I'm interested in seeing breakdowns too, like high poly, low poly, and textures, when you get them done x] Can't wait to see more!
It seems to be much roomier and the tree can be easily seen now. (Yes, I know the tree is protruding through the top, but like I previously stated, this is just a filler tree, and I am not planning on making my final one quite that tall.) Note: the sides of this ceiling cap is also glass windows, there is just no material applied atm, so it looks like solid wall.
I've also reduced the heightfog from .14 to .08, and it seems to be a lot clearer now.
As for the lighting, as of right now we only have about 4 lights in the entire scene, so that we do not have to work in the dark. Once everything is set and finalized we will definitely be doing an actual lighting pass.
My next post will be of 1 - 3 different modular ceiling pieces (fan, pipes, lights, etc). Will update soon!
Here is the block in:
Here is the dome with a glass material applied and a skydome that I created today:
And finally I figured out how to get Light Shafts working:
Next week is finals for us, so stay tuned for more updates.
I like the skydome better than what you initially had.
You need to do something at the base of the tree. Right now its just hitting a tiled floor. It could be cool to have a planter with dirt in it.
I think the tree can make a nice focal point... but its not quite there yet, the area is a little drab to me. Mainly this is due to lighting...looking at the images my eyes immediately look at the back walls, where its brighter and seems more interesting. If this tree is so important, and is the reason for this entire room, you could make the tree look more important. Maybe having spotlights on the floor pointing up to the tree could help.
Are you still planning on replacing the tree with something more alien like? I think that could make the scene a lot more interesting. Especially if it is weird looking and has glowy bits
Keep it up! Looking forward to seeing your updates!
Great work though, I look forward to seeing more updates!!
Really like this concept, and have to second gsokol's suggestion of the tree glowing in parts.
Might be an idea to develop the concept and block out of the tree before putting too much into the surrounding building - if the building was built for the purpose of providing life support for the trees then this would dictate the structure.
Looking forward to your update
Made modular fans and pipes which are being used wherever we can, as always critique is more than welcomed. Merry Christmas all!
looking good keep it up!
Also, this next bit is entirely my opinion so it may not be a necessary change, but I think you can take some liberties with the color palette a bit more... I know that the machinery is "Stereotypically yellow", but it seems a bit washed out and it would be neat to see even the basic color of the metals tie in with the rest of the environment somehow (unless there's going to be more yellow pipes everywhere).