Hey everyone! I'm a newer member here (and the 3-D modeling world) and I was hoping to get some feedback. I'm modeling Biff's hoverboard from Back to the Future 2 for a modeling class in 3DS Max. This is what I have so far for my high-poly model. Any advice or tips would be awesome!
Haha! Thanks everybody! Here's what I have now. I was planing on using floating pieces above the screws to bake the indents of the screws in the normal maps. I think I'm going to move on to low poly now. Tips? Suggestions? Issues? All are welcome and appreciated.
This is looking great, however it looks like you forgot to connect a lot of the verts on the bottom side of the board. Just connect those and you should be fine.
Hey, here's what the low poly looks like with the normals applied. I've also got the AO on there with some highlights. How's it look? I know there's something weird going on with the footpad from the normals, but I can't seem to figure it out. The weird shadowing appears even when that area is filled in with the flat color (128, 128, 255). I've checked and that area is flat on the model. Any ideas?
I check the smoothing groups and everything checked out the way it was supposed to. My teacher helped figure out it was an issue that arose when I baked my normals. Although the area was planar, I didn't have it flat against the axis, which caused it to bake weird.
Anyway, here's my latest update, textured in screengrabbed from the UDK view port. It doesn't have the re-baked normals applied, because I didn't bake them yet, but you can't really tell anyway.
Oh! And I was playing around with the emissives in the material editor. There's only one screengrab with them turned on though. I hope to get a particle emitter in there eventually to have flames coming out of the rockets. Anyone know of a good site for a tutorial on something for that?
*connecting verts right now*
How's my UVW map look?
Anyway, here's my latest update, textured in screengrabbed from the UDK view port. It doesn't have the re-baked normals applied, because I didn't bake them yet, but you can't really tell anyway.
Oh! And I was playing around with the emissives in the material editor. There's only one screengrab with them turned on though. I hope to get a particle emitter in there eventually to have flames coming out of the rockets. Anyone know of a good site for a tutorial on something for that?
And thanks for all your help and comments, guys!