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[UDK] Travelling Theatre

polycounter lvl 10
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ZeroBigSis polycounter lvl 10
Hi all.

After seeing Special K's Invasion Map I was in awe and totally inspired so decided to do some modular environment modelling myself. Here's something I have been working on for the past few days.
At the moment it is very much in a working blockout state, but I would love your opinions on where I can improve / ideas / where to take this / etc.

The idea behind the piece is to show a run down London type back street with boarded up windows, as if the street is used on occasion but essentially forgotten. Travelling down the road will be a gypsy caravan (brightly coloured vardo) which has stopped. My aim with this is to show the contrast between the grey drab street and the bright colours of the vardo. I intend to accentuate this by playing with the lighting - maybe having some subtle godrays coming down onto the vardo (although I would want to keep away from making it cartoony and over the top).

There is still a lot to do, my list of things to do:
- Re-visit the paving - placeholder atm, it looks too rounded and scale seems off
- Road texture is just a place holder at the moment - use vertex painting to introduce variation and cracks, maybe also road markings (or use decals...?)
- Introduce a lot of litter and grime and smaller assets such as bins, lamp post, etc
- Play around with the lighting! Definitely not the look I have in mind for the final
- Normal maps for buildings (the one on the right has a NM atm but it isn't really doing the job
- ...and alot more that escapes me at the moment :)

Anyways, some pics!

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

and my start on the vardo:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Thanks for looking.


  • camza
    I love your concept. I know litterally nothing about environment art but I have 2 minor things to say.

    What time frame is this set? If this is set during the war then it'd be a nice detail to add things like wartime recruitment posters. Also, the architecture seems more like something you'd see in America rather than England.



    I know it seems minor, but english architecture has a bit more..um... Detail to it. A lot more extrusions and archways. American architecture is a lot more 'squarish', very blocky and geometric.

    Otherwise great.

    I look forward to seeing this scene take shape :).
  • ZeroBigSis
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    ZeroBigSis polycounter lvl 10
    Hi Camza, thanks. I was thinking of a modern day setting, although I like the idea of a wartime setting.
    Thanks for the references as well, much appreciated. The textures I'm using are taken from buildings that exist in London, however I haven't modelled the roof tops yet (I think this might set it in England a bit more than the flat tops it currently shows), will definitely revisit the layout of the pieces tho.
  • ZeroBigSis
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    ZeroBigSis polycounter lvl 10
    Bit of an update. I have put a few more buildings into the scene, referencing the Norton Folgate area (yay for google maps).

    Just need to figure out the best way to do the paving - originally this was going to be paving slabs (hence the shape of the mesh currently in the scene) but think asphalt might suit the location of a back end street a little better. The layout isn't final yet, I've been playing around with different buildings that can be produced from the modular pieces.
    More to follow... but any crits would be appreciated

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