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TF2 Hat Model - Lighting Issues

This is supposed to be a reddish necktie on the spy's head. The stripes are paintable. Even when i make my hat un-paintable (i basically copied the VMT for the scotch bonnet) it's still pitch black. All my work is done in Blender and Photoshop.

Is there some sort of lighting origin i am supposed to set up? Because the hat is acting as if it's in a dark room when it clearly isn't.

    "$baseTexture" "models\player\items\spy\headtie"
    "$bumpmap" "models\effects\flat_normal" 
    "$yellow" "0"

    "$phong" "1"
    "$phongexponent" "25"
    "$phongboost" "1"
//    "$lightwarptexture" "models\lightwarps\weapon_lightwarp"    
    "$lightwarptexture" "models/player/pyro/pyro_lightwarp"
    "$phongfresnelranges"    "[.25 1 4]"
    "$basemapalphaphongmask" "1"

    "$rimlight" "1"
    "$rimlightexponent" "4"
    "$rimlightboost" ".65"
    // Cloaking
    "$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
            "animatedtexturevar" "$detail"
            "animatedtextureframenumvar" "$detailframe"
            "animatedtextureframerate" 30
            "resultVar" "$detailblendfactor"
            "resultVar" "$yellow"
            "srcVar1"  "$yellow"
            "resultVar" "$color2"


The masks and shit are all set up properly in my VTF file so the problem HAS to lie somewhere within my QC file or the model itself....
$modelname "player\items\spy\headtie.mdl"
$model "Body" "headtie.smd"

$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "bip_head" -5.625  -13.198  -4.108  5.645  0.727  6.954
$hbox 0 "jiggle1" -4.109  -3.765  -2.855  4.621  4.292  8.524
$hbox 0 "jiggle2" -4.100  -3.765  -2.855  4.621  4.292  8.524

$sequence idle "idle" loop fps 1

$cdmaterials "\models\player\items\spy\"
$texturegroup skinfamilies

$jigglebone "jiggle1" {
    is_flexible {
        yaw_stiffness 10
        yaw_damping 6
        pitch_stiffness 10
        pitch_damping 5
        tip_mass 10
        length 250
        pitch_constraint -50 50
        yaw_constraint -10 10 // how much the necktie spins

$jigglebone "jiggle2" {
    is_flexible {
        yaw_stiffness 80
        yaw_damping 6
        pitch_stiffness 80
        pitch_damping 6
        tip_mass 10
        length 250
        pitch_constraint -40 40  
        yaw_constraint -80 80

$surfaceprop "cloth"

$illumposition 3.583 0.010 78.024

I cut out $illumposition and it still didn't change the lighting problems. :(


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