I find exporting and renaming objects and centering objects to 0 to be some of the more common things I do when getting stuff ready for the various projects. I didn't like the way MAX handled any of this stuff so I wrote a script
to install:
download and save to the following folder: or similar (This should work fine in 2011, but i haven't tested it)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\Scripts\Startup
The script will then load automatically when you start max and add two additional rollouts to your "utilities" tab.
or you can make it a button, or run the script manually... the above setup is what I use
Quick Exporter:
- Center all to Origin: moves all objects in the scene to 0,0,0
- Save Scene: before you do anything you might regret, there's a handy dandy button that will let you save a backup without having to go all the way over to the top of the screen to do it.
- EXPORT ALL OBJECTS - Prompts the user that they're about to export all of the objects in the scene to individual files for each of the specified destination file types checked below
-ASE FBX and OBJ - check boxes to enable exportation of the 3 most commonly exported file types
- Hide this rollout! - Will remove the rollout from the utilities panel until the script is either reloaded or max is restarted
Easy Namer:
- Prefix: set a prefix for your object names
- Base Name: set a base name for your object names
- Desc: set a descriptor for your object names
- Size: set a size for your object names
(((NOTE: These can be anything... they don't have to be a prefix Base Name etc... the labels are simply suggestions and not all of the fields need be used --- ARRRGH!!!)))
Are these alpha variants? - tells the script to use alpha instead of numeric to denote the variants (ex: dog_a, dog_b, dog_c) this has a limit of 26 variants and will not rename objects after the 26th variant has been renamed with _z at the end of the name. If this checkbox is un-checked numbers will be used to denote the variant (ex: _001, _002) until you've reached your 1000th object. At which point you'll be asked if you'd like to continue with the rename since there's 1000 objects in the scene being renamed.
Rename All Objects - will rename all the objects in the scene and add a variant suffix
Rename Selection - will rename all the objects selected
Hide this rollout! - will remove the Easy Namer rollout from the utilities panel until you either reload the script or restart max.
More features to come as they are suggested or thought of.
Hope this is useful to yah, I can see it being useful for environment artists. Or people exporting a lot of objects for ZBrush or UDK