I have really hard time with this, how to start to learn anatomy?
I have books and DVDs for it, but they are too hard to understand, too much information and less pictures.
Do i need to know everything about human anatomy, if i want to be good modeler?
One guy suggests me this site,
i don't know if is it good to start, he says that, from that site he learn anatomy, or should stick to the books, even i hate them, with too much texts in one place.
Oh and a mirror
That didn't help?
Yes you did, but i want to know to learn, i mean do i need to know everything, do i first see the anatomy of skeleton and them model it and so on.:D
btw i got this books already, my friend got it before, so it saves me from paying.
The way Im learning anatomy is through exercise/Gaining muscle. All while i was looking at the different muscles/Bones/CNS on charts and other peoples bodybuilding progress pictures it slowly became easy, the forms the shapes/sizes and how they all fit into place for the bone structure. I kept procrastinating about getting books or taking a class until i realized that Ive been learning it all along.
Thank Umbasa for exercise!
I also have a photographic memory and can recite most of my life from age 2
The common mistake is to open up a comprehensive anatomic encyclopedia and replicate what you see. What you end up with is a crude rendition of every single muscle bone and tendon replicated to the same level of importance and emphasis.
Life drawing sessions can help you understand not just where the general forms lie but how they interact in relation to each other and focusing on artistic anatomy rather than medical anatomy can help you understand the larger concepts in relation to general forms.
I guess what I am trying to say is don't try to replicate what you see, but try to understand the fundamentals behind the forms.
Instead of jumping in head on into complicated diagrams, start slow.
Oh and yes, you'll have to know your anatomy well to be a good character modeler.
Be persistent and post your studies here for critique, you'll find you'll improve immensely
Anatomy is one of those things that has always existed in studies. You have nerds like Michelangelo who cut open people and observed everything inside. They nailed all this stuff long ago. So for me, it's best to stick with that stuff.
Even in anatomy books I'm noticing that they get worse as time goes on.
Nothing substitutes real-life man.
what Michelangelo and some other masters did was great for learning anatomy but.. wasn´t this way of stealing corpses really illegal?
I think that if you are not a medic,mortician etc, you won´t be able to be allowed at all to look into a human corpse?
the exercise route is something that can be suggested very well in my opinion.
(in the first time you should also create everything naked and after you can do anatomy to a certain grade ,jump into hiding the anatomy with clothes.)
Although if I got offered a chance to work at a cadaver lab, I would probably take it. As long as I can bring a sketchbook and a camera.
I've been in one semester length life drawing class and what we did was warm up with rapid fire 1min30sec gesture drawings, about 10-20min worth. Then I think we transitioned into like an hour of 5min poses one after the other. Something like that. In the class we did have to learn the muscles etc.
We used this book [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Anatomy-Artists-Fritz-Schider/dp/0486202410"]Amazon.com: An Atlas of Anatomy for Artists (9780486202419): Fritz Schider: Books[/ame]