I'm Calling this thing DONE!!!! Woot! thanks for all the help guys. Now that i know the engine and the workflow i need to stick to I can work on cleaning up my current workflow. Moving on to new projects and stuff. I'm up to my neck with art deco.
In the end this thing wasn't planned very well. It was a highpoly practice that turned into something "bigger" thanks to everyone that helped me out!
It's 98% of the way there. It's also 135% Bioshock vibe which is working really well.
still remember the first hi polies (the globe hehee), wow, great job.
One thing I notice, and I think others are feeling too is the lack of a focus point. The environment is filled with beautiful assests but it has a very busy feel.
Maybe trying playing with the lighting like Jeffro said. I might try and dim the lights near the edges of the wall, just have the lights above the center of the level lit up. The globe could be the focus of this environment, so you could create a spot light and highlight that, the darks and lights would also crate some nice contrast as well.
Here are a of couple of quick paint overs to kinda show what I'm talking about, I'm bad at explaining this stuff. :P
Toxic, Jeffro, Percy, thanks so much for taking the time to critique and help!
Yeah, i've been trying to figure that out... it's always showing up in the capture actor.
Its at the top
The Whole process was saved to my ArtDUMP. A lot of stuff didn't make it into the final level. I'm working on proper renders at the moment, just trying to upload the portfolio.
Hopefully that fix works. Looking awesome otherwise.