Hey Poly count !
Its been a while since i have Posted my portfolio here , but I wanted to get fresh eyes on it . Ive been in the industry a while now and I am looking for a new studio home. To make that next step up .
So Ive redone my whole website added alot and taken away a bunch of work . Less is more right

So lets hear what you think and if theres any thing i need to take out or put in etc... you guys know the drill .
So here is my new site :
As far as your low poly models go, you've got some really cool stuff there, but I think the images are a tad small. Either make em bigger, or just allow me to click on em for a larger image. That full screen slideshow thing is annoying, and I didn't even realize it was there when I first scrolled through. Remember, 50% of people will leave your site within 0-30 seconds,
and another 25% within 2 minutes. That isn't much time, so you want to make things as easy as possible.
The high poly models section...doesn't look all that high poly. If they weren't explicitly in that category, I wouldn't know. I'm still seeing a lot of 90 degree edges.
I like the breakdown of the assets in the textured section, but it'd be nice to also so an example of the modular pieces fitting together. I'd cut the images of the shaders as you're not doing anything fancy, just adjusting the textures within udk.
Overall, the work is pretty nice, but I don't see why it needs to be sectioned off the way it is. They are all buildings, so if you just through all your images on the entry page, then had your about me/resume section as another, you'd be set. The less clicks someone has to do, the more of a chance they will see more of your work.
Good luck on finding a new studio.
The high poly section is a bunch of boxes. I don't really see anything high poly unless you count turbosmoothing some shapes.
All your images are super thumbnails. Give me them full res! That full screen button ain't cutting it.
Ditch this About page, and present a legit Resume. It's so disorganized I can't find anything. I mean, you're listing all these positions and credited titles, but where is any of that work? Nothing is labeled, and to be honest, you present yourself as a fraud. Everything sounds so legit, but the content or organization just isn't there.
Normally, professionals organize work from specific projects so we can understand and correlate the portfolio with the resume.
Cool Thanks for your comments this is anew site so ill look into organizing it a bit better So that people see my images clearly and as soon as possible . I do think im able to update the image size even more in order to show the work better I render alot of those peices out at a high res will see if i can get the the thumbnail size bigger also .
Hello chris
Thanks for you feed back , I will definetly look into getting my pdf version of my resume up . You have brought some interesting points about my website and this will help me re label and organized my website. As far as the work on the website goes I kind of scaled down my work since my last site and tried to put up peices that showed off more of the type I work i want to do . Based off you comments I will look to get more mudbox/ zbrush models in the high poly section and more models that are finished and render out in realtime etc..
The organization of the site in more of a project form could be done with some of my older work but i found that since alot of more recent work was more nintendo wii res the screen shots from the engine i have from work are not the best quality which was a glaring issue with my last shot . Or there was time where I didnt get all the work(at the best Resolution ) that ive worked on at the 2 other studios in the past.
With all that being said I do appreciate the critique although I do want to clarify that I am not a fraud (lol) And that Im sure colleagues hear on polycount that know me can attest to that . The only reason I feel the need to say this is so many times when people use that word in association with artist it tends to be a big deal . I can asure you my creditials are legit ,
One thing i didnt mention was my old site which has alot more of my work from previous studios here it is
With that said given your background as a lead from looking at your site chris I will look into a better way to get my PDf resume on the site so thats more clear .
My old site has a link to my pdf resume i welcome you to check it out ,
And if this new layout you think that Im hiding something i certainly dont want that .This makes me think that then the format needs to be address to better to represent the resume on the new site ... and i guess ? add the Crappy Res jpegs from my old previous professional work maybe in a archieved professional art section .
Just seems like that would be alot of work to try and show so that my resume seams legit ? I always figured that you put more relevant work forward like the cinematic work or the layout and the texturing work I did and the various test or personal projects that show more up to date work.
When Applying at a companies this last year that does more high res or "next-gen" material seemed to always flock to my personal section on my old site and all the psp or wii work i did or Dora work etc.. didnt really care to see it .
And the issue that you alluded to bothers me a bit/ confuses me also being a instructor also i tell my students to put your best work up to represent you. Now as a professional as you go threw your carreer when is it ok to take off old work and present new work in a portfolio setting i figure listing it in resume was enough .
Anyway thanks again I do appreciate it although I am a bit concern now, but check out my old site to see more of my older professional work .
ps. linkedin profile :
Thanks Ill keep that mind also good point
And I don't understand the "old website." I am not going to say anything about the old website because I don't think you would/should do that to an employer.
And the bit of texture work on your new website is bare because you have those modular brick and window sections that look like they were ripped straight out of this 3dmotive Tutorial.
Overall you could just use more
to play devils advocate though I see what your saying and because it is so similar to the tutorial it might not be the best move to put it in your portfolio that your going to be sending out to employers.
^Following a tutorial is great for doing your first project similar to it, but it doesn't show that you learned anything or know the concepts or ideas presented in the video. My suggestion would be do something similar, but different enough it wouldn't be viewed as just following along with a tutorial.
The old site is just that my old site it shows alot of my work that Ive done at other studios . The point of posting it was in reference to another poster reading my resume and not seeing that work reflexed which my original interntions were to update my site and try to add some new things to it show that i can use unreal(udk) or navigate around one of the industry standard engines ones ive used in the past have been specific to the company. This is the main reason showing the texture setup and the unreal shader pics
The phillipK tutorial is a great and i have viewed it and used his method there to create the broken rock but it is not his files so if its to confusing
then that to can be changed and another rock study can be easily created.
I just tried to simulate the same out come but i guess its two similar
Now as far the two websites go the www.charliebwilliams.com is my older site and my newer site is www.cargocollective.com/charliebwilliams On my older i have alot of older work so and I found some employers asking more about my personal section which had alot of what you see on the new site then the old wii art I did at my last job.
Also sadly enough the last place I worked screen capture tool was not the best so all the in game shots i have came off blurry and not at a high res . So i was attemptign to trim down withthe new site add some old things and put new studies and personal work on this new site with some re render level layouts i did and things of that sort .
I was trying to trim the fat so to speak . And based off intial feed back not having all those old " blurry " images came off as if my resume was some how not totaly truthful so i posted the old site to show older work and for comparison on the new layout and choice of work shown . Sorry if it confused .
Yup I hear ya I thought by finding different textures and tiling them and what not I was changing it enough . Great point . Ill change that ASAP .
Great Points !!
That makes sense , Ya know I had a hard time grouping them and I guess I didnt need to at all . Its all environement work makes sense . Thanks alot :thumbup:
oo right in my effort to respond to everyone i got mixed up on the post "eek" sorry about that . My mistake ..