Image might be way too dark, you should still be able to make out some form in the darkest areas. Photoshop always makes my jpegs darker Notice how I created areas of interest and directed your eye towards specific locations. Because of the lighting you want to now travel to the middle location, then towards the room at the back left of the image. The ambient shadow color is more blue, there's more atmosphere (height fog / particles / volume light), and I added some type of rim to certain shapes. The color of the light in the middle is a bit more yellow as well. Feel free to experiment using the same formula I did to zest up the lighting in the image Enjoy budz
i remember you doing this some time ago! come along way man. hrmmm hard to say where to go, i think it just needs some over all polish. just need a couple good shots too. hrmmm hahha all i can think of is needs more shiney stuff.. thats my attempt at getting something to stand out in my eyes. then again i am easily entertained with tin foil.
i think there needs to be more contrast in the scene to make things pop. seems kinda washed out right now. also you should try putting more props around the focal point. this will help make the focal point stand out and make the scene more interesting. as it stands right now its a little empty