Hey guys. I'm a 3d artist whose looking to break into the Technical Artist side of things. I've already done rigging for a few productions, but would like to expand my knowledge into scripting so I can advance my rigging, but also build tools and such for my team, and maybe shader scripting. I have no prior knowledge of scripting, and have no idea to really start, as I'm coming from the artist side, not a programmer side.
So I'm looking for recommendations. Which language would be a good starting point? Should I jump right into Max Script (As 3DS Max is our main software) or is there a better language to start from that would give me a better base to learn not only Max Script, but ones like Mel, and shander languages?
So yeah, looking for recommendations as to which language to learn first, and ideas of where to start my education, even recommended courses or workshops.
Thanks everyone, and look forward to your suggestions.
Check out The Programming/Scripting MASTER THREAD for some links to get you started.
Using python for max rigs which wander around your production pipeline doesn't seem to be a very clever idea.