I just finished modeling this German Tiger Tank and plan to use the Hi-poly model to bake the normals into a low poly model in 3ds Max and then import it into CryEngine3. I do have a question about terms. What is the meaning of Tris and Faces in Maya. What is the actual poly count?

Here is a quick draw-over I did to help illustrate some points
So the first thing is that based on this image it looks as if you have some N-Gons on the faces I've marked with xs. Both of those faces seem to have 6 sides. That may just be a trick of the lighting but it is hard to tell. Next time try and upload multiple views of the low poly so we can get a better idea of how it looks.
Next we have the wheels. You seriously need more wheels in there. It is going to look super strange if there are only two actual wheel on that thing. Also you could definitely lower the polycount on each wheel. You could easily get by with only 8 or 10 edge loops on those wheels. You obviously have the default 20 and it is a huge waste of model space.
In a similar vein, your treads could probably work just as well with half as many edge loops. It depends on how low poly you are going as to whether you want to do that one but I suggest it.
Finally the same suggestion could be made for the barrel. That could probably be cut down to 8 or 10 loops around and not the default 20.
Finally we have the area I marked as O. I am not sure since you only gave us one angle but I think it could be simplified a little whithout much loss of quality.
Those are just the things I noticed right now. Cutting down the polys in the wheels, the barrel and the treads, and increasing the total number of wheels is definitely important. The thing with the n-gons and the O piece may just be tricks of the light or whatever based on the angle. like I said earlier, give us more views and more renders next time and I can give you better information.
Any comments are welcome.
Some great feedback has already been given to you about how to make more effective use of your polys on the tank. As for the textures, google is your friend. First off, German tanks did not carry the nazi symbol on them. Secondly, tank treads were not camouflaged. Most importantly, the texture should make the object look real. There should be dirt, scratches, perhaps damage, maybe rust, overall imperfections. I realize this is a work in progress, but since this is not stylized, try to match the real thing as much as you can. Good luck.
3ds max
Ultimate Unwrap 3D
CryEngine 3 Sandbox
Wacom Tablet
It took about 3 weeks
Yes, quite amazing what software can do these days.
I'm not sure you entirely understand the game-art workflow, or the purpose of creating a high-poly model. The fact you list it as "only 400,something tris" is odd, because it's not relevant to list tri stats on high-poly models, let alone try very hard to keep them low. If you did happen to use the high poly to bake a normal map, which is the purpose of modeling a high poly - it isn't evident on the low. Your high poly model should be an ultimate-souped-up-turbosmoothed-insane model, and I can barely tell the difference between it and your low in any significant way.
Like others said, tone down the saturation on the textures, they are a bit extreme right now.