Hey guys, I study Computer Animation and I'm currently in the process of gathering research and developing my dissertation. Only problem is, I'm not too sure what it is I want to talk about

So far I'm mostly thinking about immersion in video games and things that are thought about by the developers to draw the player into their world. Things such as continuity and interactivity. I was also hoping to try and focus around the environments which are created and perhaps look at whether the visual realism of a game affects this much.
I could look at games such as minecraft and say, battlefield 3 or skyrim and look at the different techniques used by the developers to immerse players and basically get them hooked on their game. Perhaps even to go and build some basic environments and see which people would find more engaging.
Soooo, what do you guys think of th idea? got any crits or perhaps some other ideas? I'm kinda struggling to find something that will engage me for the rest of my dissertation time and also give me enough content to draw upon and make a critical evaluation.
Thanks in advance.
One thing i'd say though is it's quite a broad subject. I'd be tempted to pick a more specific part of the subject 'immersion' and look at it in detail.
you could look at: character design, environment design/lighting (a big one), actions available to the player, movement/animation in characters and environment.. I'm sure there's more. But each of those could probably be a dissertation on their own, and (imo) the more detail you go into the more interesting the dissertation. If you try to cover too much, you'll end up just scratching the surface of each topic
If you go down the environment/lighting route check out Mise-en-scene, it's really interesting and there's a lot of good writing on the subject which you can use in your research
If you're interested, I can send you a copy and some supporting research for ideas. Just PM me with email details. Rooster, do you have your old research papers? I'd love to have a look out of curiosity.
If you'd be okay with sending me some of your findings etc. that'd be amazing help and I'd obviously credit you where needed. I'll PM you my e-mail address if thats okay, but thanks for the help guys, really.