Since I have had compatibility issues in the past when compiling .mdl files for use in Team Fortress 2, I've often gotten friends to compile my models for me. Since the new Valve Workshop came out however, I've been experimenting with the compiling program now included in Source SDK.
The issue I'm currently having is that, after compiling and attempting to view in HLMV, my model is transparent. I've tried viewing the same model in itemtest, but it would not show up at all. Does anyone know why the model would show up as transparent, or have any ideas how to fix this?
Edit: Problem resolved, feel free to ignore this thread.
I gave it a shot three years ago but got lost around the *.qc files, now my issue is however that my model will appear in engine, but the orientation is all wrong. any tips appreciated from anybody
Hopefully somebody finds this thread and a solution to their problem i'm homing
My models did not orient correctly in the engine after exporting them via ItemTest the new SDK tool my problem was the Y Axis needs to be rotated +90 (in 3ds max) and a small detail they leave out is the pivot in/around the bip_head bone, hope this helps future viewers!