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Progression of a Bust

polycounter lvl 5
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Di$array polycounter lvl 5
I'm in a mood to do a bust today and I've been busy with it for 30 mins so far. I'm just blocking in the muscles groups, fatty deposits, etc at the moment and thought I'd share the progress with you guys along the way. So any crits would be welcome.

I'm aiming for 50..ish year old guy here.

Anyways some pretty picture for you now. Enjoy.



  • KyleHickey
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    KyleHickey polycounter lvl 5
    Hello Dis,

    Your sculpt is looking good for only a half an hour.

    I am guessing this is supposed to be a speed sculpt or a one day project. Do you have any concept art or a picture you are basing this off of?

    You also may want to look into refining the shape of the ear it looks a bit large and high.

    I personally like to define the planes of the face before i begin sculpting things like fat, this way my fat will rest on the planes of the face instead of warping them and deforming my shapes.

    I look forward to more progress on this, keep it up.
  • Illusive
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    Illusive polycounter lvl 8
    ears are a bit big and too far forward. they should be behind the jawline
  • jmt
    The brow ridge stands out as the biggest thing to improve. It's really low and just swoops over the eyes. Maybe you're confusing the fleshy areas around there and lumping them together in an unnatural way. Look at some reference. The shape of the eyes and positioning of the ears could use some work, too.

    The head overall looks very lumpy. What model are you starting out with? It looks like you have some edge loops and geo density already defined.

    Keep it up!
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    ThePolyZombie - lol cheers but i had most of the work done for me as I was using an old basic head that was gather virtual dust in a folder. I originally started out wanting it to be a speed sculpt but as I carried on with it, there was things to do around the house then i had some visitors. So that put a stop to it. I've included the image below that inspired the idea for this bust.

    lllusive - Hearing you loud and clear ;) cheers for pointing that out.

    jmt - Yeah i haven't defined that area have I? Since then i've defined it a bit more. I'm using an old basic head i've had for a while now and decided to see if it is any good or can be salvaged.

    The image that started it all

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