Looking to trim and clean up my portfolio, I put it together recently after not having one for quite a while. I feel I don't do enough art at home and hoped maybe re-establishing my online presence would help spur it on since I'd have a place to put any new personal work.
There is a ton of content on there and I know I need to cut, but I don't know what I need to cut. I also feel I'm probably not showing my best work on RFA.
I'd appreciate any critique or advice.
Here's a teaser:
Nice work btw!
If I where you I would cut out alot of the assets further down that have some blurry textures and some less than stellar renders. Mainly the backpacks and a few of the low poly guns, as well as probably the Digger footed walker.
I think you need to get alot of your stuff rendered in a nicer realtime renderer like the RFA engine, Xoliul's shader or Marmoset. It's the renders letting you down.