So, I suppose it's about time I post up a thread about this one.
I've been staring at it for too long now, and managed to mess up the lighting a bit just recently it seems. So will have to go back and fix that, by increasing the skylight brightness and lowering the dominant.
Also, might have it over-sharpened. This is taken directly from udk, without any edits, so the sharpen is handled within the engine and is thus also something I'd appreciate feedback on.
So, on which parts am I looking for feedback? Just about anything really. I won't be replacing that rock-wall however. It's something I'll have to consider sometime in the future, as right now there simply isn't the time and energy for it!
And any help on the lighting and colour-theme etc etc. would be greatly appreciated, as it's something I still need to work on a bit.
For now, I plan on adding some more small props and some sort of passageway on to a small area I'll get to once I finished this part.
Also, I should probably mention that this scene is slightly heavy on the performance, as in, quite large textures and detailed models. I based this spec on the tech-demo/foliage scene that comes with UDK. So, it still runs, just as that scene would (in fact, it lags less) Albeit, still lags as my computer is a tad crap. Anyway, enough talk, here's the stuffs

If i have to do some crits, i'll say it's all very kind of monochromatic for the moment (even if the hues of orange and green works well together)
You could also push more the composition, because with all the great assets you have there it's a bit too bad to end it like that; the ground is quite ok, even if some of your assets seems to always have the same size ! And yeah the rock wall is a bit too "straight" for a nature scene
Make all that more "curvy" rotate a bit your trees they look quite vertical !
Very good work anyhow !
Oh, and then there's one more thing. When taking shots from udk, I add '-MAXQUALITYMODE -NOTEXTURESTREAMING' to the shortcut for udk. So the full line will be:
Jet_Pilot: Yeah, I feel the same way. As mentioned in the first post, it's something which I unfortunately don't have the time for at the moment. I redid it a couple of times already, and I more or less had 0 experience with sculpting, and especially creating rock/cliff walls before this. So it's been a bit of a pain, but, I'm still considering replacing it at a later time
thatanimator: No way, how did you get that?! That's exactly what it's based on. Back in the good olde days, running around in those lovely forests while listening to [ame="
I didn't think anyone would be able to spot it, so winrar to you! ^^
KoKos: Cheers man.
Good point about the uniformity of the colours there. I'll see if I can't vary it a bit more. Planning on getting some flowers and shrooms in there. Will also have a look at the other parts!
And thanks for the tips on the composition there, will get that sorted tomorrow.
in any case Great job, love the "old school rpg" atmosphere
It's a bit hard to get it right due UDK's wide FOV. Which means things close to the edge of the screen look really fat and big, while things in the middle look slim. I'll post an update on it later.
But first, after two nights of somewhat intense work, and sculpting, (which I still need to practice, but seems to be coming along a bit) here's what I got so far:
As said, my sculpting isn't perfect so far, so I'll try to refine some details in the texture instead, as per usual. I might also add some scale'ish texture or something to the creatures at the bottom, should balance out the detail a bit more.
It'll support a structure that will serve as an entrance into the rock-wall and lead on to that small second area thingy.... more info to follow on that bit when I get a bit further ^^
You have a cloudy sky, so the shadows can't be sharp. Right now it looks like there's a spotlight floating close above, which is not very real.
I think pumping up the light sources' radius would help a bit.
Also the tent feels a bit small.
keep it up)
In the meanwhile, I've been busy with contract-work, contracts getting canceled, and chasing after even more contracts and normal jobs... the usual stuff, humbug!
But I got some time here today and decided to work a bit on the entrance thingie where I left off last time. Right now I'm trying to finish up the beams running along the top of the pillars. I can't quite decide on which decoration to go for in the corner-stones though, the left one, or the right one?
To be honest, I'm not sure whether either of em fit at all ;x
Those pillars have got some really nice detail on them. As for the tops of them, I prefer the right one, but I dont feel that it gels that well with the rest of the pillar. I think something more floral/natural would work better like maybe ivy leaves or something.
Maybe add a little more variation to the dirt path texture to make it look more interesting?
I would strongly suggest you try to balance your color palette and work with complementary colors to soothe the visual feel of the image, you detail work is great and there is nothing wrong with the actual art, but as a whole the picture needs to come together more.
Here is what i mean with complementary colors:
Right now you have green and orange as your main strong lights, while you dont need to move away from that, your lighting and post process should be worked towards a more balanced coloring. If you could balance the color so that you have 2 main colors that complement eachother and have dotted colors (for example the orange from the trees) that gives extra spice to the image, i think the scene overall would be given that extra that makes it all come together.
You got a very nice backdrop to work with aswell, you should add some sweeping landscape in there to really fill out the scene and sell the location.