Just finished the high-poly, I wanted to get some nice props finished for my portfolio. I'll be working on the bake later tonight, its also for a scene I still need to finish.
You might want to consider adding another edge loop to the top arch, the low poly silhouette looks noticble jagged and has a weird angle to it. Other than that I would rough up the edges a little on the texture and make the little divots in the back lower part stand out more, right now they almost are invisible.
Here's the old wires. Yeah I should spare a few more tris for the top curve, I should at least match the density of the curves on the lower part. Yeah I forgot to add more detail to the back holes, they should pretty much be black/brown spots from the reference images I'm looking at.
Here's the bake, the nob needs to be rebaked, tri count is around 670.
Can you post wires?
Here's the old wires. Yeah I should spare a few more tris for the top curve, I should at least match the density of the curves on the lower part. Yeah I forgot to add more detail to the back holes, they should pretty much be black/brown spots from the reference images I'm looking at.