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3d Model Viewer [browser]

polycounter lvl 9
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joevansickle polycounter lvl 9

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  • nightshade
    this is awesome, it would make presenting so much better
  • Un_Delincuente
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    Un_Delincuente polycounter lvl 6
    Wow this is amazing man.It works fine on my pc. Just one thing that would concern me is how efficient will this be on a portfolio site where i think you would benefit more from it? Will it be able to flip between different models without any trouble? (without reopening the window or opening a separate window.

    one thing I would like to see from it is being able to change/cycle thru different maps (i.e. Diffuse, Spec, normals) I think that is one feature that is a must to have if you want to show case a model.
  • Tadao215
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    Tadao215 polycounter lvl 16
    this is great, i could definitely see people using this for either a portfolio or to share models for critiques.

    In addition to what you have, i think i would like to see more maps like spec and normals and maybe an adjustable light in the scene.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 15
    thia is really cool! it works on my mac :)
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Slick work! I'm not on a great computer, it took some time to load, but worked really smooth.

    WASD didn't work for me in the ninja scene, but did work in the embedded example. Using Shift-drag to pan for more than a second seems to have problems. The model moves smoothly in that second, but then the whole thing freezes, sometimes upwards of a minute.

    I'm seconding the adjustable light request.
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Firefox crashes now and then on the load up. Might just be it acting up though.

    Seem to remember someone doing this a while back too.

    Nice work anyway!
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'm guessing this is just diffuse only at the moment, right?
  • Impala88
    Works for me :) Only Diffuse and spec atm i think. Would love to see normals on here too would be kick ass to see next-gen assets/characters in here eventually (if it's not too memory heavy which i suspect it probably would be lol)
  • IAmTheClayman
    Using Google Chrome on a Windows 7 PC and it works great! Incredible work man, this is a major step forward for sharing models online
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Support for Applets are being dropped from the next version of internet explorer and HTML5.

    How about a DHTML version?
  • uk_resistant
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    uk_resistant polycounter lvl 17
    I think have the wireframe and UV avaliable as buttons or at least have some text explaining the shortcuts.

    Also would be cool to have a movable light? or if your feeling ambitious, ave some basic lighting options in there (maybe 2 or 3 movable light nodes with colour and value options?

    Looks great though.
    Do you think it could handle environments?


    and a ability to change the background - a simple colour would do :)

  • joevansickle
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    joevansickle polycounter lvl 9
    Un_Delincuente: Thank you. I tested multiple 3d viewers on a single webpage. When you start embedding more than 3 of them, things start to get slow. However! I plan to add in the ability to flip through different models (without reloading the page). I also plan to add Spec/Normals Maps in. The user will be able to choose which they wish to view. Thanks for the feedback.

    Tadao215: Thanks. Spec/Normal maps will definitely be added in the future. I will try to get an adjustable light in as well, that was a very good idea.

    octokitty: That's very good to hear! I hadn't tested it on a mac; only 6 vista/win7 computers (with the three major browsers).

    throttlekitty: Thanks, WASD may not have worked because the window might not have had focus. I will look into the shift + drag issue you described.

    Lazerus Reborn: Thanks, I'd be willing/able to try to fix the issue you described if you'd give more detail via email (joevansickle@hotmail.com) or another post. The log would also be very helpful for diagnosing the issue...

    odium: Yes, it's only diffuse now, adding spec/normal maps is twords the top of the todo list.

    Impala88: Excellent, next-gen assets/characters should run fine, the viewer renders using the user's GPU.

    IAmTheClayman: Excellent, thank you for taking the time to test it!

    hawken: I will look into this ASAP; it's really important to me that the applet/program works for everyone.

    uk_resistant: Thank you. I'm working on the GUI right now; buttons to change everything will be added. I plan to add a little gear icon (in the top right portion of the applet) that when clicked shows viewing options (wireframe/uvs/lighting etc.). In addition there will be a question mark icon that when clicked will give help information (in the same window). I'm going to have to say no on the environments. They use up to much data and require a lot more computing power, in addition they require many textures. The ability to change the background color is an excellent idea.


    I'm feeling very ambitious about this and will try to add in all of the reasonable requests/suggestions posted here. I will also try to post updates often.

    If you really really really want to test your own models you can upload files here. Upload a model (.obj) and a diffuse map (png/jpg/gif/tga). Then you can view them by modifying this url:
    Make sure to include the image extension.
    Please keep in mind that this is very WIP and is not very safe right now.
  • Skibur
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    Skibur polycounter lvl 5
    This is such a great idea. I hope it takes off.
  • sirenblue
    Actually, have right click itself as pan.
    Not sure if should reverse the directions of W A S D, because I was expecting it to move the "camera", not the model.

    Damn awesome! :thumbup:
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I think the best part of this is that its so fast and smooth, it doesn't bog anything down like these usually do. That makes it a lot more worthwhile in my eyes.

    Glad to see Spec/Normals support is on the list. Might be best to remember that sometimes some games flip the green channel for some reason, so full control over that may be needed. I guess a simple front end when you set up the model could fix that easy enough.

    Other things I would like to see are lighting placement maybe, would come in handy for normals for sure, as well as alpha masking/blending, and a little mroe freedom in camera control (As of right now, the zoom isn't much use because it doesn't go in/out far enough in my eyes, so it makes seeing up close details pretty difficult.

    However, so far... Bloody good work, and I'm liking it. Be sure to keep us posted (Y)
  • DirtyMrDucky
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    DirtyMrDucky polycounter lvl 12
    I think would be nice if there was a key to bring up a HUD to show some basic info like poly count and texture sizes.

    I absolutely love this though and wish i could see it on my iphone(*sigh* to no java lub from apple). This also worked for me on both bit versions on IE and firefox. nothing crashed after opening and closing each model a few times. What are load times like on higher poly objects like going to 8-9k?
  • joevansickle
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    joevansickle polycounter lvl 9
    sirenblue: Thanks for that. I changed panning to only right click + drag. I'll put the option to invert w,a,d,s in user preferences...

    odium: Thanks, I will keep that in mind when I get to normals. I'll make it possible to move the light by holding down the mouse wheel button in the next update. If I let the user zoom in further then they could potentially intersect with the mesh so I will have to address that before I make any changes there.

    DirtyMrDucky: Thank you! Model stats are in there now. I tested it with some higher poly meshes and it loaded a 69k mesh in 3-4 seconds for me. The applet ran at 280 fps with vSync off. It was texture-less though.[Clicky] if you want to try it.


    Small Update:
    -alpha blending
    -rendering text
    -simple GUI
    -loading status
    -fps (15 is max if it vSyncs properly)
    -obj stats/name
    -right click & pan
    -wireframe culling
    -don't show uvs if they don't exist

    Let me know what you think of the changes, or if you think I ballsed something up!
  • achillesian
    i prefer my models presented with depth of field blur, polaroid colors and film grain, the less visible my work is the better
  • joevansickle
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    joevansickle polycounter lvl 9
    I tried uploading every mesh from the sdk thread; the ones that succeeded are below!

    I learned four things:
    -need to add .tga support
    -need to support multiple textures
    -obj files can have negative values for face indexes (this wasn't in the wiki!) EDIT: this was hard to find in the wiki!
    -Uploaders need to have the ability to orient models
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