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Strange Issue with prjection in max

So I am sure this is user error but I am not too sure where I am messing up.
I have used projection in max before with success and I did all the same steps except this time I brought a model in from Zbrush via GOZ.

Projection mod on uved low poly
Pick the high poly as reference
Increase the cage a bit(played around with it)
set up the render to texture.
hit render.

This is what i got.
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this one.


  • ikonane
    Offline / Send Message
    ikonane polycounter lvl 7
    Are you using an existing unwrap channel? Is the low poly unwraped?
  • Skiffy
    Offline / Send Message
    Skiffy polycounter lvl 15
    Make sure to reset xform on your bake mesh. What is the projection settings and the projection cage range?
  • Mark Dygert
    Looks like the UV's are probably screwed up which can happen using GoZ... you might want to re-unwrap the low, which shouldn't take too long given that its a cube. If you have stacked UV shells you should offset all but one piece, one tile to the right.

    If you bake with them all stacked on top of each other some parts will be in front of others and you'll get a mash up of crazyness close to what you have. You can also fix this by selecting all but one shell, switch the UV editor to UW mode (which is like a top down view of your UVs) and move all of those UV's behind the other shell. This way it renders them all in the same place but it places one shell on top of the others.

    Right now you probably have a pretty chaotic UW layout which is causing pieces to render in front of others. Smash that flat and push all but one piece back. Or just offset the extra shells one tile.
  • juicecures
    Thanks guys ill mess around with everything suggested here and post results, I am currently just playing around with normals trying to figure out how far i can go with depth in a normal map before i need to start using geometry.
  • juicecures
    So the issue has to do with exporting the high via GOZ from zbrush to max, i found that if i export an obj form zbrush then import it to max and bake it works fine.
  • BreaK-
    Glad you sorted your problem.
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