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Turn off the sun?

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praetus interpolator
I'm making a test scene in CE3 and I need to turn off sunlight and use a basic 3 point light setup. I have a totally enclosed space yet the sunlight is essentially shining through and overshadowing the lights I have placed. I thought that turning the time of day to midnight might help but it desaturates my model due to whatever post process effects are tied in with the sun.

So, what I'm looking to do is to disable the "sun" effects for atmosphere and lighting so that I can use my 3 point lighting only. Just to show how bad it is, the walls in the background should be grey, not blue/green. All my lights are set as pure white currently.


  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    so, anyone that was curious on this I more or less figured it out. Under the Terrain > Time of Day panel you want to turn on advanced options. Under this panel you'll see a bunch of numbers for the color and intensity of sun, sky, fog, etc. You want to change the value in the multiplier to zero. I tested this in my scene and it seems to have worked. I actually have total blackness when I turn my spotlights off. Also, you'll want to change the play speed of your current time to zero on the left hand side of this panel otherwise your colors will shift after a few seconds.
  • Comeback Kid
    I found out today, you need a VisArea, see my thread where some of the guys helped me out: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90014
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    hey, that really helps as well. I'm going to assume that in the demo level the cave uses these to block out the exterior light sources. We were curious if this was due to a volume object or some type of proxy in the brush. Good to know.
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