I played through the DS title a couple of months ago and it looks amazing, even for a handheld game. The mechanics are very traditional J-RPG, but there were tons of little side quests and features. I loved the spellbook that came with the game as well; such an ingenious addition to the package. I'm pretty excited for the PS3 version.
I played through the DS title a couple of months ago and it looks amazing, even for a handheld game. The mechanics are very traditional J-RPG, but there were tons of little side quests and features. I loved the spellbook that came with the game as well; such an ingenious addition to the package. I'm pretty excited for the PS3 version.
Do you read Japanese? How heavy is it on the Kanji? I've been planning to pick up that DS version with the big book. I'm fine with Kana but my Kanji knowledge is usually what lets me down when attempting to play any Jap imports which are heavy on the story and the Kanji.
So pleased to see a US release of this one though!
Yeah, I studied Japanese at Uni 10 years ago but it's pretty rusty! There is a fair amount of kanji, but there's furigana for all of it so you should be able to look anything up that you're not sure about. Plus, there's a big red arrow telling you where to go on the top screen most of the time anyway. Some of the riddles in the book are a bit more demanding maybe, but otherwise it's pretty straightforward. It's worth buying the game just for the spellbook TBH!
not a huge fan of Gibili in the slightest really, but I'm looking for a few games to pick up when I go on my annual Japan trip in a month..
this might be one of those games ... together with Catherine, Monster Hunter 3 HD and something random
I really enjoyed playing the DS game a couple of years ago, mainly due to the art and the spellbook, but I'm disappointed to see that the PS3 version is essentially the same game, albeit with (much) higher-res visuals and a different combat system. I had a quick run through the demo and it does look amazing, but I can't see myself playing through again if it is the same narrative. Can anyone who's played both confirmed if it's at all different story-wise?
This game was wicked hard to find. I must have gone to at least ten different retail establishments trying to locate a copy. Fry's Electronics didn't have it, and may never get a copy in. None of the Best Buys in my area were carrying it. WalMart wasn't carrying it either. And every GameStop in my area had only ordered enough copies to cover their pre-orders.
I finally managed to acquire a copy at Target of all places. And even there I snagged the last copy that wasn't being used for an end-cap. I'm thinking this was a very limited initial print run. That kind of makes sense given the publisher and the niche audience that a game like this would appeal to in the U.S. At the same time, get a copy now if you're interested. Most stores will likely be out of stock for the next few weeks.
I threw it in my PS3 last night for only about half an hour. The art style is absolutely fantastic.
I've heard that it's been hard to find copies of it from a few people. It's a shame if Sony have underestimated the popularity of the game, but at least it's available to download on PSN as well.
played for a few hours last night. holy cow, it looks way better than I expected. In a lot of areas you can literally just stop, go into first person mode, and it looks just like a piece of concept art/ghibli bg. Ding Dong Dell and the sewers so far were jaw dropping. The thing that stands out to me is how right they get their values. There's such a great use of range of color it feels gorgeous.
they are around, you just gotta be really lucky haha. I got mine from zavvi for £30 on one of their crazy pre order deals a while ago, I really wanted the collectors edition but £70 is too much imo. My bud got one and its very nice but yea, way too expensive.
just got my copy, two hours in, very reminiscent of miyazaki style movies, with very good battle mechanics. Story is a bit cheesy-esk but the characters development awesomeness makes up for it. I would recommend it for the art only, attention to detail fantastic, like playing windwalker for the first time!
This game is amazing. Was lucky enough to get the guide as well I really haven't enjoyed an RPG as much as this one in a long time. And damn is it beautiful, I can't stop staring at all the environments and color choices that were made. Just phenomenal.
I'm a little curious as to why they didn't add more polygons to the characters though. Everytime Mr. Drippy talks I just kind of stare at his mouth.
In the UK here. I went into Tesco to ask if they would be getting it in/have it in. They looked at me as though I was talking gibberish. Amazing how the staff on an Electronics counter have no idea about current things relating to ... electronics.
I just bought it digitally on to my ps3. Screw waiting =\ Game is very pretty tho. I wish there was more VO in the game tho. Can't wait to play some more. Hitting monsters with a stick was not very satisfying. But the open world travel, is very nice. I missed that in my RPGs.
I really don't see how I can say no... and it looks so good...!
Do you read Japanese? How heavy is it on the Kanji? I've been planning to pick up that DS version with the big book. I'm fine with Kana but my Kanji knowledge is usually what lets me down when attempting to play any Jap imports which are heavy on the story and the Kanji.
So pleased to see a US release of this one though!
Damn, I want this so bad! Haven't had that big of an itch to play a game in a while.
this might be one of those games
I finally managed to acquire a copy at Target of all places. And even there I snagged the last copy that wasn't being used for an end-cap. I'm thinking this was a very limited initial print run. That kind of makes sense given the publisher and the niche audience that a game like this would appeal to in the U.S. At the same time, get a copy now if you're interested. Most stores will likely be out of stock for the next few weeks.
I threw it in my PS3 last night for only about half an hour. The art style is absolutely fantastic.
game is so lovely
Must get rid of the backlog first....
I'm a little curious as to why they didn't add more polygons to the characters though. Everytime Mr. Drippy talks I just kind of stare at his mouth.
Then it might appear in Tesco...