Hey guys started a new project about a week ago. Been working on the base shaders for the rocks and ice as of right now.
It was made by Daniel Conway who does some great work. Here is his portfolio
So to start this project I first wanted to get the rocks and ice shards shaders set up, as they would make up the base of my level. I also wanted to dive into the unreal material network first because it has been something I wanted to learn for a long time now.
For my rock shader I watched Virtuosic's demonstration of the rock and snow shader he created. I was very impressed with the results so I created my own. The rock uses the worldspace up vector in combination with a height map to procedurally blend snow. I am currently working on a WindSpace and Direction Actor to control exactly what angle the snow is coming from and how blends into my rocks. I also added some other basic parameters such a tiling, Normal Map intensity etc.
Virtuosic original demonstration videos can be found here.
Here is a quick screenshot of the rocks:
The ice shader isn't really anything to special but I recently found out how to properly incorporate a Sub Surface Scattering Map into the transmission slots.
What I plan to do is potato head these models together around my terrain and fortress to get a result the mimics this.
I hope this is considered good practice. I am worried that this wont be memory efficient but after some research I noticed that in UDK's levels the very same technique is applied. Please let me know if I am wrong for assuming this.
Here is a small test I did to see how my vertex blending would act on my modular wall pieces. As of right now I am not to happy with how the ice looks. I want to fix it as best I can and I will, but I am determined to not let my perfectionist tendencies get in the way of completing this project. In the final scene I will have added fog and a snowing particle effect to the scene which I think will add to the overall atmosphere.
The next things I will be working on are the stairs and the entrance to the actual fortress. I will also look into fixing the ice and learning the newer landscape editor.
EDIT: Here's a crystal done by the Orb
Might be useful for you to make ice the simmilar way...
@danhohncox - I agree with the blockiness of the scene. I changed the ice mesh to something more jagged and the results are way better in my opinion. Now if I could just get something similar to that orb crystal material then I should be golden.
great progress also
found this the other day on youtube. Might help.
mkanderson- Nice video. I wish I would of found that before I did my rocks. Would of made things easier on me. ^^ Thanks for posting it.
Wonkey- Thanks for the screenshots. I will defiantly look into implementing distortions in my ice as well as reflections.
I think I am calling the ice done for now. I want to move on with the rest of my project , but at the end Ill go back and see what I can do to improve it.
Here is a pic of the new ice shader. I think its an improvement over the last one. Hope you like it.
I really like the new ice shader but it may still be a little to bright blue. Anyway, keep going.