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Blender: Texture problem

Hey. I've made a bunch of models so I know the basics but this is my first "big" project and I've spent about 9 hours on this one so I would REALLY appreciate some help :( The model is for a non-commercial remake of a classic game (TES: Daggerfall)

My problem is that the textures on one object on my model only show up in shader mode (when I press 'z') with "textured solid" ticked. This started happening after I moved the file but I'm 99% sure the texture paths are fixed.
If I add a new object to the same model the textures are fine, but if I merge that new object into the one with the texture problem the new one turns gray as well.

I managed to find someone with an identical problem to mine. He posted his solution:

The solid poly display was still referencing a different texture link from the image editor.
Could someone please tell me how I do what he did ^?

http://oi51.tinypic.com/98hcw2.jpg < This is my model viewed in "Texture Mode" (Note: I added wireframe in photoshop)

http://oi55.tinypic.com/9ktgn5.jpg < This is my model viewed in Shader Mode with "Textured Solids" ticked (Lower model is from the original game)

I'm just going absolutely insane trying to fix this problem. Some help would truly mean a lot to me.
Here is my .blender file: http://www.mediafire.com/?f8fwdseodgxysr2


  • ralusek
    Offline / Send Message
    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    hey i'm not sure i fully understand your question, but i'll say a few things and hopefully one of them will answer:

    first of all, i think you understand that textures show up in texture mode when referenced through the UV/Image editor. Sometimes it's finicky, but you have to be in edit mode, select all (after you've unwrapped) then push the "x" button on the image selector in UV/Image editor. With every vertex still selected, then open and load your image and it should show up again.

    hopefully that helps, if not, please clarify.
  • kat
    Offline / Send Message
    kat polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah ditto on not understanding your question properly but it looks like you're probably referencing a 'dead' material. Post a shot of Blender so the interface is visible. "Solid" shading has *never* displayed textures - it;'s only ever shown material colours, else you have to be in "Textured" mode. You're not in GLSL are you? B]EDIT[/B oh that's interesting, learn something new every day - you can have surfaces in "Solid" mode displayed with 'textures' instead of flat colouration... v.interesting
  • Magnas
    Did you check that the normals are unified, that the maps carried over, etc.? Because when I look at it, your main building is missing a UV map and there's no rhyme or reason to the layout. I think your maps got botched, because the steps, etc. are fine. Ralusek's got it.

    Remember to add a light to the scene when using alt+z, by the way.
  • a gentlman

    This guy had an identical problem to mine, although his were purple because he was using Blender 2.49 and I'm using 2.59 (When I load the scene into Blender 2.5, the surface shows up as white instead of purple)

    Thanks a lot for trying to help, but no luck yet unfortunately

    ralusek: Did not work :(

    kat: http://oi53.tinypic.com/t7yg5k.jpg Here is my interface in Blender. Note how this is in "texture mode" and how the stairs show up because I added those after the problem with the main mesh started. The textures do work in GLSL but they don't work in "Textured Mode"

    Magnas: I'm pretty sure the UVs are still there, or else the mesh wouldn't show up like that in GLSL, right? I am using 7 different images for the same mesh which might explain the "no rhyme or reason"

    I'll try to clarify my problem:

    My problem is that my mesh does not show it's textures in "Textured Mode" like it's supposed to. It only shows it's textures in GLSL. This problem started after I moved the file from one computer to another
  • a gentlman
    Ah actually nevermind, I decided to just rollback to an earlier version of my model, it's probably faster. Thanks for trying to help guys :)
  • kat
    Offline / Send Message
    kat polycounter lvl 17
    For reference, do (check) this next time it happens.

    In the "Object" Properties buttons (button with a cube), scroll down to "Display". In here find "Type:" and select "TEXTURED" from the list. You *should* then be able to switch as normal ("Z", "Alt+Z" et-al). Note this is a 'per-object' setting so needs to be assigned to individual objects as required (which is why some display properly and others don't).

    What you appear to have done is set the "Minimum Draw Type", this limits how far 'up' the display type Blender will go, in your case that was "Solid", so even in Textured mode all you'll see is solid colours.
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