Hey I really wanted to start getting more serious about my 3D artwork. Due to our final portfolio for school needing to be focused on one thing to graduate.
We have to produce 6 pieces in the focus that we wish, I am going to focus for the pieces environment mapping / creating modular modelling to puzzle together a few portfolio art pieces.
So I wanted to know where most of this great community grabs their references from, and what do you think is interesting at this moment and time to try to produce ?
My interest are :
Highly advanced technologies, futuristic space ships, futuristic worlds.
Thanks in advance if you take the time to post and if you have any tips, advice I would gladly love to hear them.
- Ron S -

Update # 3

Let me know what you guys think, C&C are more than welcome, also I've been working slow due work and college :P.
Small update

Yeah... why wouldn't you be?
Stay away from Scifi. If there is anything that is becoming uninteresting at the moment it is "future." Unless you can really do something that has a "wow" factor to it... meaning original and unique and sci fi has been stomped into the ground a lot lately so that would be really difficult.
Be a little less cliche, and do something you don't see everyday. Might help you stand out from the crowd a bit.
Well what type of theme do you think should be seen more often Bigley ?
lol not World of Warcraft... a "wow factor" meaning when someone sees it they say "Wow, I have never seen that before! That is cool!" Just because it is something that is original.
and referring to your last question... idk. just not scifi.
as far as refrence..I really just use google images..find out the name of the concept artists on your favorite film/game/tv and try to find their work
Well said sir
I will try to come up with a few pieces and see what you guys think of it thanks, and thank you Low.
And my reference
And his site if you wanna look at awesome stuff. C&C are welcome and thanks in advance.