Hey folks!
Finally got around to revamping my site. Posted up some works from my recent title, as well as some high poly work from War for Cybertron. Not looking for work or anything, was just feeling a little dated with the site :poly124:
Hope you like! Let me know if my buttons are broken anywhere
(Edit - Forgot not everyone sees signatures by default
*edit* maybe put the link to your site!
Great high poly modeling. Been a fan of that for a long time. Your renders are nice, just small. I'd maybe try to get them larger. Or more so the page wider overall.
Your high res images are showing up just fine btw. :thumbup:
My only real crit is, in the Misc, prop section where there is one (The oil tank for the 3d motive tut, which was great btw) prop that has wires and the rest doesn't. You should maybe add wires to them, but that's just me. Great work !
As far as the wireframe's go, I'm kind of split on the side of necessity vs. time on whether to render all the wireframes out. Definitely something I would update if I were looking for work, as I agree with you about how important it is!