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Triangle Smoothing Issues

polycounter lvl 12
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Architaylor polycounter lvl 12
Hi all,

I'm having an issue with shading and I'm fairly sure it's to do with my triangulation. I'm rendering in Marmoset but I think that it's a universal issue so I'm posting here, I hope it's the right place :)

As you can see from the picture I'm having trouble with some faces receiving no shading for some reason. All the faces are in the same smoothing groups. I can't for the life of me figure out what's causing the issue but I'm fairly new to modelling in tris so I suspect it's something very obvious. I've tried googling the error but it hasn't come up with anything.


Any help would be much appreciated,

Thanks a lot,



  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Since you talk of smoothing group i assume you use 3dsmax.
    Hard to say without the file, it could be flipped faces, double faces, vertex not welded...
    Apply a reset xform on your object, then check if everything is welded correctly. Enable the backface culling in the object properties, to see if you have flipped faces.
  • Twister3
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    Twister3 polycounter lvl 13
    Sometimes shading errors like this are caused by unwelded vertices. Or different smoothing groups.

    If that doesn't fix it you could unify the normals of the mesh. In 3ds Max you can do this by applying the modifier "unify normals" and hitting the "unify" button.
  • Architaylor
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    Architaylor polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the replies guys, I'm normally a Max user but the project I'm working on requires that I use Maya. I managed to fix the issue by just deleting the problem area and redoing it. I suspect now that it may have been, as you guys have said, a problem with unwelded verts. I could have sworn that they were all welded correctly but I'm new to Maya so I probably missed something :) Thanks for the help anyway, I'll update this thread if I encounter any more similar issues :)
  • tigg
    I find that this happens sometimes if there is a face that has no space on the UV map. For example, a triangle that has been mapped as a straight vertical line, or a single pixel, or something like that. It affects the faces around it as well.
  • Warheart
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    Warheart polycounter lvl 17
    This sometimes happens in Maya if you edit the geometry after assigning a material by faces. If it happens again try re-assigning the material in object mode to see if that fixes it (or if you need to have different materials assigned to faces then just try re-assigning the correct material to those faces).
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