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[Portfolio]-igi Prop Artist

polycounter lvl 12
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igi polycounter lvl 12
Hello..I want to get some critiques about my works.I want to define a new route for myself according to the critiques.Actually I'm not confident about my development graph for last year.Here are the portfolio:


I need critiques about the current condition of my portfolio and what should I do for improve it according to my current direction.

Also I'd like to know is there still prop artist positions available in the industry? Do I need to make some work which includes consistent model pieces in it?


  • tonysladky
    I like it, but there's a couple things bugging me.

    For one, that cannon is extremely shiny for how beat up it looks. I'd rework it to be either less weathered or less shiny.

    Secondly, you seem to have a lot of unfinished stuff in your game art category, like the lighting test scene or the catapult with only a diffuse. I'd be hesitant about showing off unfinished pieces; either finish them or document your progress on a blog or WIP section of your website.

    Thirdly, you've got a lot of little environment props that you're just sort of displaying on their own without any real context. I think it would be cool if you could use these props (and, probably some additional ones that you haven't made/posted yet) to make a couple nifty environments. That would probably be more interesting than just a door or a wall.

    Fourth, show process. When you've got a finished environment, model, what-have-you, make up a page of process images showing things like concept and reference, textures, UV's (I've gotten a decent number of portfolio reviews where they were disappointed to not see how I actually packed my UV's), different stages of completion for the models. A lot of the reviews that I've gotten and education I've gotten about a good game art portfolio have pointed out that these people want to see your process to judge how you think and how you end up at your final product to see if you'll mesh well with their other artists.

    Finally, be selective. Your portfolio should be your best work, not all your work. I've heard it several times that hiring managers, art directors etc. are only looking at your portfolio until you give them an excuse to stop. I don't know that I'd say anything in there is "bad" (my nitpick about unfinished images aside), but the smaller props aren't really interesting enough to warrant their own image. I wouldn't lose them, but I'd maybe go for a page of miscellaneous props rather than giving each prop its own glory page. Save the full-page images for the money shots: Hero props and completed environments.

    Wait. Really really lastly: More wireframes (I suppose could technically go under my "show process" point). I want to see how you're spending almost 4,000 tris on what is essentially a cube with another cube on top of it and two cylinders on the side. In fact, more information in general. I want to know tri-counts on all your game-res models and map sizes at the least (what they're modeled, textured, and rendered in would also be nice).
  • megalmn2000
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    megalmn2000 polycounter lvl 13
    There's some missing triangle specifications on some of your pieces.
    I would take out the unfinished works, people will think that you don't know how to finish them and just show it like that. Also, show me your textures, people want to see how you made them. And, finally, did you ask for permission to show the C4 Bomb (Tactical Assault)?
  • joe gracey
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    joe gracey polycounter lvl 11
    Great reply tonysladky! That's damn good advice for anyone in igi's shoes.
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    Really thanks for the awesome critiques!

    yeah you nailed it.Yes my presentations have some inconsistency.Unfortunately I lost some of the models and only pictures are left :( That catapult model has made for mobile games that's why it doesn't have a normal or spec map.About the C4 bomb also there's a plastic tape,that increased the poly-count.It seems I should trash my current one and rebuild a totally new portfolio which I'm afraid of that.

    yes you right I must get rid of unfinished props,that gives an unprofessional impression..And I have permission to show that C4 bomb for sure.

    thanks for the good advice about being a prop artist.Probably I'll go for creating ultra-detailed props.Thanks for the clearer vision you defined for me.I don't want to go for full environments (maybe I can do a small one,dunno).But my aversion is creating hi-quality invidual props.

    SO I need more hero props(and better),more progress explanation,less unfinished works and maybe at least one small environment,thanks :P
  • Drav
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    Drav polycounter lvl 9
    Imo, not a bad portfolio, with some good modelling, but the texturing is the weakpoint that lets your work down. A lot ofthe pieces to me seem muddy and ill defined. Your C4 is your best piece I think, but either inconsistent uv density or a poor texture on the phone let the rest of the piece down. Not so much a crit for your site, but perhaps something to work on in future.
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