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(WIP) Swinebad, legend of the 7 seas

Hello people!

I haven't posted in a while and I would really appreciate some feedback right about now.
Here's the idea. We were given a concept from an established concept artist (in my case Chris Ayers - check him out he is amazing - http://www.chrisayersdesign.com/ - he is letting us use his concepts) and we have to fully translate this in 3D as best we can while staying very very true to the original design. So staying on model is the biggest requirement.

Here the concept:

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The big pig on the left is the concept, everything else I just gathered for reference (many thanks to the other artists too).

Here's the progress to far:
Original zspheres and base sculpt:

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First retopo pass:

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I'm not worried about legs, arms and ears yet because those seem easy enough.

Can I get your opinions on how the overall shapes are matchin' up?



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