Hey all.
I'm working on some ideas for air-combat gameplay and figured I'd do a few different ship models. But I'm kind of thinking that I seem to be making ships that look a bit too much like pleasure cruisers with guns.
Wondered if anyone had any ideas to make the thing look a bit more warlike?
I also think you could benefit from a little more variety in the scale of the guns.
I'm also curious how it actually flies. Is it going to be something sleek and futuristic that won't change the silhouette too much from the basic boat shape, or will it be something more visible like a balloon or some rotors?
but that last image tonysladky posted really does feel warlike. The side of the ship is very flat too. Which is pretty interesting. The metal panel look to the sides (with the holes in etc) feels pretty warship like too.
Nice. Thanks guys. Anyone else got any ideas?
One of the things I was thinking was that having armour on the outside of the engines would be practical. Plus I want to be able to disable a ships movement via allowing engine targetting.
I was kind of toying with hard surface subd stuff when I made it, so its probably more curvy than it should be. Honestly, I havent been able to find reference that does it for me yet. I guess fantasy airships end up more like final fantasy stuff than the skies of arcadia stuff I am interested in. I guess I'll look for a more steampunk direction, see if that helps.
Thanks for the comments.
Any idea of style/time period you are going for? Here are a few concepts to stir some ideas :P
Good luck!
I've been trying to find good image reference from last exile (an anime with some really big airship battles that I liked).
The thing is, I want to have a feel thats not totally sci-fi. Last exile has a nice vibe to it with a sort of "monarchy" thing going on. So I want to capture that. I guess in a way its a bit like the houses from Dune. Harkonen and the like. All good fun stuff.
Thanks for the images. Will post more if I find it.