Hello Technical Talk Gurus,
I'm working on a racing game for iOS/Android and I'm trying to figure out a good way to pull off a sand storm effect (with directional wind) for one of the tracks.
The game is being made in Unity, which only supports soft particles in differed lighting (which is a no go for mobile). Any ideas on ways to achieve this without them?
The effect needs to have an obvious direction to it since there will also be a directional wind force imparted on the track, so while a screen effect will be helpful to thickening the overall look, I dont think I can put too much direction into it (unless I could have it orient direction to worldspace? That seems unlikely though...)
I also thought maybe I could throw in some higher elevation non-soft particles and then have a "sweeping sand" plane w/alpha over the ground, but then I would probably have to do the terrain in Max (doing it in Unity right now) so I could get the surfaces matched up.
Any tips, suggestions, ideas etc would be greatly appreciated.
Found this link: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/35555-Sandstorms-and-such
You can almost do what older games used to do for rain, but flip in 90 degrees so it's horizontal.
Like, maybe a row of planes
then when you want the storm to shift, shift the planes /////
You can possibly even add deforms to it so it makes it look more wind driven.
EDIT: Maybe half sphere's with alpha on them that are grouped up and blow at you.
Row of planes is an interesting idea, I think I can do UV Transform type animation to textures, kind of like a fake screen effect that can have have some depth?
I'll have to mess around with that. Thanks for the suggestions!
Are you able to draw distance fog?
You can do this: http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=TerrainObjExporter
Export the terrain to an obj, optimize and bring that geo back in for your sweeping ground plane.
Fog is pretty expensive on mobile. (Although if it allows a shallower clipping plane, maybe it can pay off...)
I'm really surprised to hear that distance fog is expensive on mobile though, it seems like all the cheap go to tools of ye olden days dont translate at all to what should be the vastly superior hardware of modern phones...
Thanks again for your input, and that link to a terrain exporter (super win).