Hello, I'm currently setting up my portfolio website
Before I get professional web hosting I'm having trouble picking a proper domain name, on the fence between: rr13.ca, redroguexiii.com, or redMike13.com or something else (as most people will misspell rogue as rouge - would have to buy another domain name just to get it to redirect)
Anyways any critique or advice would definitely be a great help as I'm hoping to be able to land a job in either arts or programming.
The first gun is by far your strongest piece. The volkswagon is looking a bit plastic, but the business woman is dragging the rest down. If you could get everything up to the level of that first gun you'd be in good shape I think.
Content looks decent, I'd also say that the first gun is the best looking piece, you should take the AA-12 down honestly. It's not up to par. I like the jeep, you have a good foundation there. Now make a dirty and destroyed version of the same one
Oh and it bothers me that you're not showing off any textures, do it if you can, it's for the best. Good luck!