Ok so what to wear is only part of my question. On Friday I have my first interview at a game studio. I just got off the phone with them, and had a pre-interview, which I think went well because they scheduled me to come to the studio...
So serious question, what do I wear? I am only 20, so is it appropriate to wear a dress shirt, jeans, and skate shoes? Or what about dress shirt, jeans and dress shoes (like Aldo's). This might sound like a stupid question but if there is anything I don't want to eff up on, its my outfit...
Other than that, can anyone give me any tips, suggestions or questions I SHOULD ASK?
Thanks PC

That should be fine, don't wear a suit or a suit jacket, people would make jokes about you for the next 3 years. Even a nice polo and clean jeans could work. It could vary from studio to studio, you could see if any polycounters or their friends work at that studio and what they suggest. You can also try youtubing to see if there's a tour of the studio just to see what people normally wear.
Game industry mentor actually had a podcast on this, I believe it was the portfolios one. Probably worth checking out.
I actually wore a tie to my 1st interview for an industry job, at element x creative. The owner was wearing shorts, and a super man shirt lol. I felt so over dressed.
Just make sure it all fits properly; if your shirt is oversized give it to a tailor. Don't wear anything that's too big for you, you will look like a highschool kid at a prom.
Well screw that. You can wear anything as along as it fits. Good fit is the most important.
Sartorialist to the rescue. Might give you some ideas. Majority of these outfits will be way too dressy/extravagant, but look primarily at the fit.
Yeah, I know. I'm nuts. But hell, dressing well will give your confidence a huge boost. True story :poly136: And hell, you might end up looking as a one smooth motherfucker.
nothing screams employable like a unitard...plus you'll be ready if there is an impromptu wrestling match with the interviewer..
wear somethign comfortable
also good luck..!
But seriously slightly more formal than what they are probably wearing. Ben Mathis gave a good suggestion probably 20-30 of these threads ago... Dress smartly in layers of casualness. If you find what you're wearing is too formal take a layer off.
It's probably not that smart to wear a sweater over a shirt, the last thing you need to be doing is flashing your pasty white underbelly at a room full of strangers as you struggle to get your head out the neck hole.
If you're outer layer makes you look like "a fat guy in a little coat" you're doing it wrong.
ya it worked it get him noticed though i htink they olny let him in at first cause they thought he was form lucasarts and was there for a announcement.
If you can find a team picture, dress slightly better than what you see the average person in the picture wearing.
Good luck!
Dont worry about it too much really though, you still want to be yourself, but just be yourself classed-up a bit. You dont want it to be a shock when you show up in your wife beater and JNCO jeans for the first day of work.
Anyways I am thinking my original plan with a plaid dress shirt, and dress shoes seems the way to go. Just not sure about the skinny jeans...
But yeah, basically what everyone else said. Keep it casual. First date attire.
green-tooth face tattoo
The one thing to keep in mind is that you should be yourself. Make sure you're comfortable in what you're wearing. You don't want to be sweating in an uncomfortable shirt. There's nothing wrong with wearing a t-shirt you like underneath a smart shirt. Avoid wearing anything which will show sweat marks too! Or else you'll be like this guy:
I had doubts about certain things like wearing trainers but I took the risk anyway and went ahead wearing hi-tops since I wear them all the time. Every interview I went to had people in my interview who wore/liked trainers as well. So uhh... be yourself!
make sure your clothing is clean and tidy
make sure your behavior is tip top - we can deal with weird looks, but unfriendly people: nope
about suit jackets - if it fits your style, why not? they're only laughable when it's obvious that they're not part of your daily wardrobe. And that's the whole point - wear what you usually wear.
People used to tease me in a friendly way that I look like a boss wearing dress shirts quite often... guess what I'm now mwhahaha
but ya dress casual, but clean, "butt clean" also
Make and impression, be remembered
Red rag to a bull and all that.
Well if nothing else I got a really good laugh out of this thread!
Wait, is that not standard at spas?
...What kind of spas have I been going to, then?
What you wear isn't as important as what you are bringing to the table as a talented person who can communicate through an interview. You could wear the most perfect interview clothes and still blow it because you jibberjabber like a fool.
If you dress a little too formal, or a little too informal that might be noticed at the start of the interview, but 2 minutes later it will have been forgotten.
That being said, here are a few guidelines that should help you:
Treat it like a date and wear what you would wear on a casual first or second date. It is a first date after all, a few people getting together to see if they like each other and whether or not the relationship is worth taking any further.
Don't wear what you are "comfortable" in. Some people are comfortable in Pyjamas. Some people take their shoes and socks off to be comfortable. What you want to wear are clothes that you are CONFIDENT in, and clothes that you'd show up to a first date in. Do you in your daily life like to wear a shirt and tie? Wear it to the interview
Be hygienic - have a wash and make sure your clothes are clean. Are you a guy? Unless you have a beard I'd advise you to have a shave that morning. The people interviewing you might have 5 day a of stubble (I'm not like that really, no...), but you should make the effort.
The inside of the studio is probably going to be different from the weather outside. You'll be in a modern air conditioned building most likely, and if I was interviewing someone in 2 months time there would be snow and ice outside. So, prepare a little for the weather. A small umbrella wil stop you looking like a drowned rat and can easily be tucked away into a bag. When I interviewed at Ubisoft it was lashing down, and I had to quickly find a shop where I could buy an umbrella so that I could walk to the studio without being soaked.
So, treat it like a date. Be on time, take a little care in your grooming, have a good time with some interesting conversations. Hopefully you'll end up with some mind blowing sex.
As an aside, the hole date thing probably doesn't work at all if you pick up people in sex clubs.
As boss, this is exactly what I'd like to know BEFORE hiring someone
Although here in Shanghai you could argue that Pyjamas are perfectly ok since people regularly wear them out on the streets.
Nah man, a Respawn Entertainment one!
i go barefoot at work :poly122:
You know, I posted that kinda jokingly, but if you really wore that shirt to an interview it'll score you some points.
Remember to wear this with an underwear, when you are getting interviewed by BigJohn...
If you are not, than a bright colour dress shirt and Khaki pants are golden for other interviews. Also, do some homework and see if they require one to wear a tie for an interview or not. Different places have different standard.
Good luck.:)
Grats dude
It was awkward explaining to the interviewers that it was just a pistol in my pants, and I wasn't just excited to see them.
So.. what did you dress?